FAO emergencies and resilience


AFG Hero

43 million
country population

14.2 million people
in high acute food insecurity

80% of the population
derive their income from agriculture

to assist 8 million people FAO requires USD 266.9 million for 2024

Afghanistan is facing what has rapidly become one of the world’s largest food crises. Four decades of armed conflict, frequent natural disasters and increasing food prices have left almost half of the population without adequate means to produce or access food. With 80 percent of the population relying on agriculture for their food and income, providing vulnerable households with emergency livelihoods support is key to the humanitarian response.
Carpe data, carpe DIEM

How FAO's state-of-the-art data platform is speeding up emergency relief operations in Afghanistan and beyond

Afghanistan: the food security situation is improving, but the crisis is far from over

Interview with Alexander Jones, Director of the FAO’s Resource Mobilization Division, on his recent field visit to Afghanistan to see how FAO is...

DIEM enumerators achieve full coverage of Afghanistan

Face-to-face surveys conducted across 34 provinces for the first time

Key documents

In 2023, the Government of Sweden, through the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), contributed SEK 120 million (USD 13.08 million) to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).


The Government of Japan contributed USD 12 843 911 to improve the livelihoods and food security of 81 400 farming, livestock-keeping and landless households (695 463 people) in Afghanistan.


The Government of the Japan contributed USD 475 000 to improve the livelihoods and social recognition of Ukrainian and Afghan refugees in Türkiye by providing them and their host community members with employment and livelihood opportunities.

Assessing flood damage in Northeast Afghanistan

After two days of torrential rains on 10 and 11 May 2024, devastating flash floods and mudslides hit one of Afghanistan’s rich…

Afghanistan Rural Insight

Discover Afghanistan's rural views in this engaging video, which showcases farmers' different perspectives. Hear personal perspectives from wheat farmers,...

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