FAO emergencies and resilience


BGD Hero

174.7 million
country population

16.5 million people
in high acute food insecurity

1 out of 4 people
live in rural areas and rely directly or indirectly on agriculture for their livelihood

970 300 Rohingya refugees
hosted in Cox’s Bazar and Bhasan Char

to assist 1.15 million people FAO requires USD 6.04 million for 2024

Bangladesh is one of the world’s most vulnerable countries to climate change. Despite achieving significant agricultural milestones, recurring natural hazards such as cyclones and flash floods, coupled with high inflation and reduced income opportunities are driving acute food insecurity. This situation affects millions of people who rely on agriculture for their livelihoods and hinders their recovery. Additionally, Bangladesh hosts the world’s largest refugee camp, accommodating close to 1 million Rohingya refugees who depend entirely on humanitarian assistance to meet their basic needs. Providing emergency livelihood support is key to protecting and restoring agricultural livelihoods and reducing food consumption gaps among Bangladeshi communities and Rohingya refugees.

A voice for Bangladeshi smallholder farmers

Women and youth lead the way in Bangladesh’s agricultural transformation

FAO urges immediate action as new variants of avian influenza threaten Asia and the Pacific

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is calling for urgent regional efforts to combat a rise in avian influenza cases across...

FAO report: Agrifood sector faces growing threat from climate change-induced loss and damage

Following the COP28 agreement to activate a new fund for loss and damage, recent analysis highlights agriculture perceived as the most severely affected...

Key documents

In 2023, the Government of Sweden, through the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), contributed SEK 120 million (USD 13.08 million) to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).


On 26 May 2024, Cyclone Remal struck Bangladesh, unleashing severe floods and landslides across several districts.


Nearly 1 million Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh’s Cox’s Bazar are entirely dependent on humanitarian aid to meet their basic food needs. In 2023, reduced food rations and devastating cyclones further compromised food security within the refugee camps, leading to a decline in refugees’ daily food consumption.

COVID Response in Bangladesh – A One Health Approach

In response to COVID-19 in Bangladesh, the United Nations initiated an intervention, under the leadership of the Directorate General of Health Services,...

Tackling water challenges: An integrated approach to support farmers in Southern Bangladesh

The Smallholder Agricultural Competitiveness Project (SACP), funded by the Government of Bangladesh and IFAD, seeks to enhance farmer incomes and resilience...

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