FAO emergencies and resilience


HTI Hero

11.8 million
country population

4.43 million people 
in high acute food insecurity

200 000 people
internally displaced

to assist 528 000 people FAO requires USD 42.6 million for 2024

Currently, nearly half of Haiti’s population is facing acute hunger. For years, natural hazards and political turmoil have taken a toll on Haitians who were already in need of humanitarian assistance in both rural and urban areas. Rising food and fuel prices has led to growing civil unrest that has plunged Haiti into chaos, paralysing economic activities and transport. The basic food basket is out of reach for many Haitians. The situation is further exacerbated by the recent escalating violence and increased internal displacement which is likely to push more people to the brink of survival. It is crucial to help Haitians produce better, more nutritious food to safeguard their livelihoods and strengthen their resilience, especially in the context of a worsening food crisis.

Key documents

In Haiti, the rise in armed gang violence, especially in the Metropolitan Area of Port-au-Prince, has led to significant population displacement within the country.


In 2023, the Government of Sweden, through the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), contributed SEK 120 million (USD 13.08 million) to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).


Haiti is one of nine countries in the world facing the risk of famine and one of five countries with more than 10 percent of the population in Emergency (IPC Phase 4).

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