FAO emergencies and resilience


MOZ Hero

33.4 million 
country population

3.26 million people 
projected to be in high acute food insecurity  

168 000 women and children suffer from acute malnutrition 

710 000 internally displaced people and 632 400 returnees  

to assist 526 675 people FAO requires USD 20.1 million for 2024

Mozambique is faced with significant challenges due to its high vulnerability to extreme weather events, with cyclical droughts and flooding having occurred over the past ten years. The ongoing conflict in Cabo Delgado has further exacerbated the situation, displacing large numbers of people and straining already limited resources. These shocks are significantly affecting farmers’ ability to engage in agricultural activities, further perpetuating food insecurity and malnutrition across the country. With over 80 percent of the population reliant on agriculture, FAO is scaling up life-saving assistance to restore food production and diversify livelihoods to strengthen the resilience of crisis-affected communities.
Poultry farming reaps year-round rewards, Cabo Delgado, Mozambique

Beyond food security, some local farmers reach for food sovereignty, one chicken at a time

Communities harness the power of collective action in Mozambique

The role of goat rearing in strengthening rural communities' food security and resilience

The return of El Niño – are we ready?

From FAO Regional Office for Africa

Key documents

Mozambique has been particularly impacted by the 2023–2024 El Niño, with central and southern regions experiencing unprecedented dry spells and below‑average rainfall.


The 2023–2024 El Niño is one of the five strongest on record, according to the World Meteorological Organization.


Mozambique is one of Africa’s most climate-vulnerable countries. In addition to climate shocks, the ongoing conflict in Cabo Delgado is the country’s main driver of food insecurity.

The use of Identification, Delivery and Empowerment Application (IDEA) in Mozambique

To ensure the protection and secure management of beneficiary data, and delivery and tracking of assistance, FAO developed Identification, Delivery...

Agrodealers in Mozambique use the FAO Identification, Delivery and Empowerment Application (IDEA)

To ensure the protection and secure management of beneficiary data, and delivery and tracking of assistance, FAO developed Identification, Delivery...

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