FAO emergencies and resilience

South Sudan

SSD Hero

12.4 million
country population


7.1 million people
in high acute food insecurity (April–July 2024), of whom 79 000 in Catastrophe (IPC Phase 5)

2.52 million women and children  
suffer from acute malnutrition

2.27 million South Sudanese
residing as refugees in neighbouring countries

to assist 3.9 million people in 2024 FAO requires USD 60 million

South Sudan is facing one of the worst food security and nutrition crises globally. Over half of the population is projected to be in high acute food insecurity. Catastrophe (IPC Phase 5) conditions have also been recorded, with affected people having limited or no coping mechanisms. Years of conflict, instability and large-scale displacement have disrupted agricultural production, one of the country’s most important economic sectors. Climatic shocks, such as floods, dry spells and droughts, in addition to persistent annual cereal shortages, have caused further economic and agricultural deterioration. With up to 95 percent of the population dependent on agriculture (crop farming, pastoralism and fishing) for food and income, urgent humanitarian support is needed to avert catastrophe.

FAO is providing livestock vaccination and treatment, solar irrigation pumps and post-harvest equipment, trainings, agricultural support and fisheries assistance to restore people’s food security, nutrition and resilience. Yet, without urgent funding to support a sustained multisectoral response, people will be at greater risk of famine and destitution.   
Sudan: Conflict, access constraints and floods undermine FAO efforts to support agriculture and food security

From FAO Regional Office for Near East and North Africa

FAO and EU sign 47 million euro programme to enhance resilience and food security for pastoralists in Eastern Africa

The programme is expected to directly benefit more than 100,000 households across Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, the Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda

South Sudan: The Government, World Bank and FAO scale up actions to build farmers’ climate resilience in the face of flooding and other disaster risks

A $30 million project aims to provide critical life-saving and livelihood assistance, sustainable recovery and resilience building support to smallholder...

Key documents

The Government of the United States of America, through USAID, contributed USD 6.5 million to the FAO project, "2023 Emergency Livelihood Response Programme (ELRP) in South Sudan", which was implemented from 27 March 2023 to 28 March 2024.


The European Union contributed EUR 4 million (USD 4 854 368) to the FAO project, "Strengthening the resilience of vulnerable populations to food crises and climate stresses in South Sudan", which was implemented from 1 August 2021 to 31 July 2023.


The European Union contributed EUR 2 million (USD 2 277 200) to the FAO project, "South Sudan rural development: Strengthening smallerholders resilience in Northern Bahr el Ghazal", which was implemented from 15 April 2019 to 14 April 2023.

South Sudan: Strengthening climate resilience through innovation

In South Sudan over 70% of people at one time or another are not sure where they will get their next meal.

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