
28 June - UN Summit Dialogue to achieve sustainable urban food systems
On Monday 28 June FAO is convening a Global Dialogue with the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), the Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments and the Food Systems Summit Secretariat.

FAO launches Green Cities Action Programme for Africa
Ambitious plans to help small, medium and large cities become greener, cleaner and integrated into sustainable agri-food systems

FAO Conference endorses new Strategic Framework to drive agri-food systems transformation
Members stress the importance of promoting innovation, digital technologies and data
Pathways for the Future of Sustainable Food Systems in the Mediterranean
FAO, CIHEAM, UfM, One Planet SFS Programme and PRIMA join forces to contribute to the UN Food Systems Summit and to advance food systems transformation in the MediterraneanWithin the framework of the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit, the Food and Agriculture O

Elevating voices of cities at the UN Food Systems Summit
FAO and ICLEI partner for supporting cities in organizing independent summit dialogues

Harnessing the power of the EU-FAO partnership for sustainable agri-food systems transformation
Urgent actions needed to ensure healthy and sustainable diets to all

The world is converging on the need for sustainable agri-food systems
FAO leads UN Commission on Population and Development to call for actions that favor responsible consumption and production patterns

Strengthening health and agri-food systems must go hand-in-hand
FAO Director-General joins G20 leaders in calls to scale up COVID-19 response

The world is converging on the need for sustainable agri-food systems
FAO leads UN Commission on Population and Development to call for actions that favor responsible consumption and production patterns

Science, technology and innovation are crucial to efforts aimed at transforming agri-food systems
FAO's Chief Scientist presents the UN Food Systems Summit 2021 Science Days to be held on 8-9 July

EU and FAO call for the transformation of agri-food systems
Leaders spoke of continued partnership at the 2021 Strategic Dialogue

National stakeholders and UN system join forces in support to food systems transformation in Uganda
Governmental representatives, the UN family, producers organizations and civil society representatives, the business community, and representatives of international development partners met in Kampala...

Pathways for the Future of Sustainable Food Systems in the Mediterranean
FAO, CIHEAM, UfM, One Planet SFS Programme and PRIMA join forces to contribute to the UN Food Systems Summit and to advance food systems transformation in the MediterraneanThe Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) will jointly conv

New Handbook for Parliamentarians - practical guidance on transforming food systems and improving nutrition
Produced by the Inter-Parliamentary Union and FAO, the publication seeks to support legislative processes to promote healthy diets for all

We are what we eat: Transforming diets to transform agri-food systems
Transforming agri-food systems story series: Part 1 - Consumer behavior and collective demand

Disasters take heavy toll on agri-food systems as new threats emerge
New FAO report finds agricultural losses from natural hazards continue to soar, inflicting economic damage and undermining nutrition

Italy to set the stage for UN Food Systems Summit with three-day event in July 2021
The United Nations and the Government of Italy announced the Pre-Summit gathering in Rome, Italy from July 19 to July 21, 2021.

Science, technology and innovation are key to transform agri-food systems in Central Asia
FAO Director-General spoke at the Third Meeting of the Central Asian Ministers of Agriculture

Food systems account for more than one third of global greenhouse gas emissions
New data tool offers detailed insights covering role of land use, agriculture, refrigeration, packaging and more, providing critical guidance for holistic mitigation efforts

FAO and Italy strengthen ties to catalyse agri-food systems transformation
FAO Director-General QU Dongyu and with Stefano Patuanelli, Minister for Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies of Italy discussed ways to enhance collaboration.