Agrifood Systems

Advancing Urban Agrifood Systems Transformation The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), jointly with the SFS-MED Platform, held the session “Partnering for Action in the Mediterranean”, within the framework of the event "Engagin
FAO announces a new important partnership to improve policy-making for agrifood systems.As an important step of its work on agrifood systems transformation, FAO's division on Food Systems and Food Safety (ESF) is launching a partnership with the Institute
A regional event aims at leveraging urban and local agrifood systems for sustainable and inclusive transformation...
Urbanization is a major trend with profound implications for agrifood systems, including land use changes, labor constraints, complex market linkages and growing informal food markets...
In the global pursuit of achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, one imperative stands out: the need to ensure equitable and inclusive access to healthy diets from sustainable food systems, leveraging the pivotal role of city and local gov
FAO is going to host a short talk on institutional innovation today, as part of the Science and Innovation Forum (SIF) currently taking place. Siobhan Kelly, Agribusiness Officer in the Food Systems and Food Safety Division (ESF) in FAO, will be speaking
12 and 17 October 2023 – Online via Teams  By now, it is well acknowledged that the agrifood system is a key entry point for achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (SDGs). The ​ UN​ Food Systems Summit in 2021 was an important impetus for t
On 16-20 October, FAO headquarters in Rome will welcome world leaders, experts, changemakers and youth and indigenous activists to work for a sustainable future...
Director-General says “take-make-use-discard” model wasteful and unsustainable as FAO launches new Food Loss App
Delegation led by Director-General QU Dongyu, consisting of FAO’s Chief Economist, Chief Scientist and several division directors, showed FAO’s commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals...
Date and time: Tuesday, 12 September 2023, 9:30-11:00 (CEST) Registration link: Click here / Streaming link: Click here Live interpretation in English and French will be provided.  The SFS-MED Platformis organizing the sixth technical webinar of a series
Date et lieu: Mardi 12 septembre 2023, 9 h 30 - 11 h (HAEC) Lien pour s’inscrire:Cliquer ici / Lien de diffusion en continu:Cliquer ici Des services d’interprétationsimultanéeserontdisponiblesenanglais et enfrançais. La Plateforme SFS-MED organise le sixi
The Leadership Dialogue on Food Systems for Prosperity, held on 25 July duing the UNFSS+2 Stocktaking Moment, focused on identifying concrete approaches that can be incorporated into policies and national pathways to drive economic prosperity in synergy w
Global challenges of food insecurity and malnutrition - driven by climate, biodiversity and socio-economic crises and conflicts - require urgent and collective action and coordination among multiple actors, including city, subnational, and national govern
Country experiences shared during a special event at UNFSS+2  The special event “Governance for agrifood systems transformation”, held in the framework of the UNFSS+2 Stocktaking Moment, brought together global leaders, policymakers, and experts to discus
Following the UN Food Systems Summit 2021, more than 120 countries have been engaging stakeholders to translate the national pathways into concrete food systems transformation plans, and mainstreaming food systems in national development plans and policie
Director of the FAO Division of Food Systems and Food Safety Corinna Hawkes says a holistic and sustainable approach is needed to ensure nutritious food and sustainable livelihoods for all...
The resilience of our food system is being pushed to the absolute limits,” said Corinna Hawkes, Director for food systems at FAO during the session on Urban food policies for a sustainable and just future at the Brussels Urban Summit. “And we know from ou
Improving environment, society and health while also generating shared economic prosperity is a significant challenge in agrifood systems. Despite the immense benefits provided by agrifood systems, many, particularly the poorest and the traditionally marg
The FAO newsroom published an interview with Dr. Corinna Hawkes, Director of the Food Systems and Food Safety Division, FAO ahead of the UNFSS + 2 summit taking place 24-27 July 2023 in FAO headquarters in Rome.