Agrifood Systems

From 24 to 27 April 2023, the One Planet Network’s Sustainable Food Systems Programme and the Food Systems Coordination Hub are co-organizing the Conference ‘The Transformation We Need’, hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Viet
FAO held a High-Level Dialogue on Sustainable Urban Food Systems for SDG Acceleration at the GFHS, December 2022.
As part of its support to PADAAM, FAO is working to support financial institutions in Benin to increase their agricultural portfolios, targeting specifically financial products for small actors operating in the cassava, maize and rice value chains.To this
Director-General tells 2nd Ministerial Mediterranean Dialogue that special credit line will help boost resilience...
FAO’s role to support market access for rice, cassava and maize value chains actors in Benin: The FAO PADAAM ProjectIn Benin, the national agricultural development strategy advocates for a paradigm shift focused on the creation of added value through the
Interview with Zitouni Ould-Dada, Deputy Director of FAO’s Climate and Environment division...
A methodological approach based on experiences in Dar es Salaam, Lima and Tunis On Tuesday...
According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (2022), one of the lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic is that investing in biodiversity conservation and eco-systems restoration is key to both halting deforestation and to reducing r
Panel at FAO Science and Innovation Forum discusses innovation to reduce food loss and waste and bolster agrifood systems transformation.Within the framework of the FAO Science and Innovation Forum, FAO hosted a special event entitledFood loss and waste r
Food loss and waste reduction: how can we better integrate science and innovation in our actions?  - This will be the title of a new special event, organized in the the framework of the FAO Science and Innovation Forum, on Wednesday 19 October at 11 AM (C
Imagine a future where new generations and ecosystems thrive, making the national pathways to sustainable food systems the accelerator for SDGs - this is the title of the upcoming Side Event during the 50th Committe on World Food Security.The meeting is p
Date and time: Thursday, 13 October 2022, 09:30-11:30 CEST Registration link: Click here / Streaming link: Click here Live interpretation in English and French will be provided. In the framework of the SFS-MED platform and the FAO Science and Innovation F
On Wednesday 12 October 2022, the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) will host a Side Event dedicated to urban food systems during the premises of the next CFS-50.The event - Empowering cities and local governments towards sustainable and inclusive ur
FAO contribution to the 3rd World Conference on the Revitalization of the Mediterranean Diet in Bari Bari, Italy – The International Center for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM) is launching today the 3rd World Conference on the Revitaliza
A podcast titled ‘Agrifood Talks: Systems, Policies and Progress’ features conversations with researchers, public sector officials, development specialists, and the private sector about good practices and challenges for advancing the transformation of sustainable agrifood systems.
African leaders meet in Kigali to discuss bold actions for resilient agrifood systems...
The President of the 76th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, His Excellency Mr. Abdulla Shahid, convened a High-Level meeting to assess progress on the implementation of the New Urban Agenda (NUA), on 28 April 2022...
Investment, policy changes and better use of resources essential, FAO Director-General stresses...
Consolidate processes and mechanisms for promoting multi-stakeholder dialogues on urban food systems...
On Thursday 30 June, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) will join forces to hold an important Session within the 11th World Urban For