Emerging from global crises by shaping sustainable, resilient, healthy, and inclusive food systems

From 24 to 27 April 2023, the One Planet Network’s Sustainable Food Systems Programme and the Food Systems Coordination Hub are co-organizing the Conference ‘The Transformation We Need’, hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Viet Nam.
The conference will contribute to the 2023 Stocktaking Moment of the UN Food Systems Summit follow-up process, by focusing on how food systems need to be transformed to overcome the multiple deeply rooted and interlinked crises of climate, biodiversity, conflict, energy, prices, hunger, malnutrition, and health to achieve the SDGs.
The Objectives of the Global Conference are:
To present transformational actions, tools and initiatives that have emerged since the UNFSS, with a view to promote their uptake and upscaling in national and local policy-making processes.
To further promote the food systems approach and inclusive governance and collaboration at all levels – including multilateral and particularly Rio Conventions – with a view to foster their uptake for the development of multi-sectoral action plans towards sustainable consumption and production in food systems; and
To provide a space for National Convenors, UN FSS Coalitions and other relevant multi-actor initiatives, as well as other food systems actors such as youth, civil society and farmer organizations, to build capacities and deepen their collective efforts towards sustainable food systems pathways, in view of the UN FSS 2023 Stocktaking Moment.
Register for Virtual Participation HERE
A number of sessions, including a Dialogue among National Convenors (UN FSS Dialogues) and a range of side events, will be held.
The Application Form for hosting Side Events is available HERE, until 19 February 2023.
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