Guiding multi-stakeholder collaboration for sustainable food systems transformation

Food systems involve complex challenges, whose scale and nature call for a systemic, multi-level and multi-stakeholder participatory approach across economic, social and environmental dimensions.
In response to this, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have developed a guide. The guide, which will be released soon, supports public, private and civil society organizations tasked with convening multi-stakeholder initiatives that are inclusive of government and essential non-governmental actors committed to contributing to the sustainable transformation of food systems.
In the context of the 4th Global Conference of the One Planet network's Sustainable Food Systems Programme entitled “The Transformation We Need”, taking place in Hanoi, Vietnam from 24-27 April, a side event will present the five building blocks underpinning successful multistakeholder collaboration for food systems transformation, as described in the guide. This will be followed by a panel discussion that will share a series of good practices from multi-stakeholder initiatives operating in different geographical locations.
Event date: 25 April 2023, 14:00 – 15:30 (Hanoi time)
The live broadcast of the session can be accessed via Zoom:
Session ID: 845 3363 7060
Password: 123