Imagine a future where new generations and ecosystems thrive

Imagine a future where new generations and ecosystems thrive, making the national pathways to sustainable food systems the accelerator for SDGs - this is the title of the upcoming Side Event during the 50th Committe on World Food Security.
The meeting is planned on Thursday 13 October 2022, from 8.30 to 9.45 AM (CET) and it is co-organized by FAO, the World Farmers' Organisation (WFO) and the International Dairy Federation (IDF) in the framework of the Global Environment Facility (GEF-7) Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration Impact Program (FOLUR) Programme.
Taking place as a virtual event, it will focus on how to accelerate sustainable food systems transformation also through the National Pathways emerged from the UN Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) process.
As of today, Food systems are under transformation in many countries to alleviate the impact of conflicts and diseases. While many governments committed to address the exacerbated crises of climate, biodiversity loss and pollution, policy efforts are underway to make food systems more efficient, resilient and inclusive. The 2021 UNFSS resulted in National Pathways and urged countries and their stakeholders to adopt a context-specific food system approach in their policies and action.
Therefore, the event will bring to light how to accelerate the UNFSS National Pathways through integrated assessment approaches for more informed decision-making across national and sub-national levels.
Expected Outcomes of the Event include:
- Highlighting the importance of adopting a sustainable food system approach and science-based assessments to inform with evidence UNFSS national pathways and succeed the race to the SDGs
- Introducing selected FOLUR country projects and discuss how sustainable food systems national pathways can be accelerated
- Pointing out how to best partner with the private sector and stakeholders to shape and move ahead gender-sensitive and youth-oriented sustainable food systems national pathways