Agrifood Talks: Systems, Policies and Progress- exploring good practices for agrifood systems transformation
A new podcast mini-series from FAO will feature conversations with researchers, public sector officials, development specialists and the private sector about good practices and challenges for advancing the transformation of sustainable agrifood systems.
Over six episodes, listeners can learn about the efforts of Costa Rica, Ireland, Rwanda, and Uganda to promote healthy and affordable diets, address agrifood GHG emissions, curb water pollution, improve farmers’ livelihoods, and more.
In the first episode, released on 15 September, Siobhan Kelly (Agribusiness Officer, FAO) is joined by Herman Brouwer (Senior Advisor on multi-stakeholder collaboration, WCDI). During the conversation, Herman explains the concepts of agrifood systems, sustainability and systemic transformation; and the importance of multi-stakeholder and multi-level (from global to local) processes.
New episodes will be released every fortnight. Follow this space and get inspired!
Episode 1 - In conversation with Herman Brouwer, Advisor at WCDI
Episode 2 - Costa Rica's journey towards sustainable agrifood systems
Episodio 3 - Costa Rica y su camino hacia sistemas alimentarios sostenibles
Episode 4 - Ireland's journey towards sustainable agrifood systems
Episode 5 - Rwanda's journey towards sustainable agrifood systems
Episode 6 - Uganda’s journey towards sustainable food systems
Read more on Uganda’s Journey towards Sustainable Agrifood Systems
The podcast is funded by the Government of Ireland and inspired by the report published by FAO in 2021 National processes shaping agrifood systems transformations – Lessons from Costa Rica, Ireland and Rwanda.