UN Day to focus on better health through safe food

At the core of a sustainable food system is the need to have food that is safe for consumption.
Safe food is not only a prerequisite to achieve food security and health it is also a fundamental enabler to building a strong economy (productivity, market access) and protects the environment (less food loss, for example). All actors in our food systems and in food supply chains must work together to prevent toxic hazards, pathogens (bacteria, viruses and parasites), chemical residues, biotoxins and other harmful substances from reaching consumers.
This year the theme of the World Food Safety Day, celebrated on 7 June, will stress the connection between “Safer food, better health”. Since the annual observance was established in 2018, the slogan has been “Food safety is everyone’s business”. Whether you oversee food safety systems or grow, process, transport, store, distribute, sell, prepare, serve or just eat food, you have a role in keeping food safe.
Systemic changes for better health will bring safer food, which is a critical enabler of long-term human development and a prerequisite for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Read more about World Food Safety Day