Webinar: Increasing food systems' resilience to climate change in the Mediterranean region

SFS-MED Webinar 2: Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus to increase food systems' resilience to climate change and conflict's cascading effects in the Mediterranean region
Date and time: Wednesday, 6 July 2022, 09:00-10:30 CEST
Registration link: Click here / Streaming link: Click here
(Live interpretation in English and French will be provided)
In the framework of the SFS-MED platform, this webinar will bring together stakeholders from across the Mediterranean to share practical experiences of their engagement in adopting WEFE Nexus solutions and demonstrate the more comprehensive socio-economic benefits of their proposed practices on the food system at large, going beyond a fragmented system of sectors and players. Stakeholders will share case studies and tangible examples of WEFE Nexus technical solutions applied in the Mediterranean region, with emphasis on the MENA, reflect on success factors and challenges, and discuss ways to facilitate replication and upscaling solutions across the Mediterranean, and influence policy change. Particular focus will be given to the participation of stakeholders involved in WEFE Nexus demonstration sites.
The webinar will aim to address a key question: how could the application of the WEFE nexus influence food systems transformation in the Mediterranean, towards increased resilience to climate change and conflicts?
The event’s Agenda features a technical introduction by a representative of the Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area (PRIMA), some keynote remarks by FAO’s Land and Water Division, and a panel discussion moderated by Mr Maroun El Moujabber, Scientific Officer at CIHEAM Bari, with the participation of stakeholders’ representatives from FAO’s Regional Office for Near East and North Africa, Berytech, the Global Water Partnership Mediterranean, and the Ministry of Energy and Water of Lebanon. The American University of Beirut and the Union for the Mediterranean will wrap up and illustrate the way forward.
The full agenda and background note are available at this link
This event is the second of the SFS-MED webinar series, jointly organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM), the Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), and the Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area (PRIMA) within the framework of the SFS-MED Platform, a multi-stakeholder initiative for Sustainable Food Systems in the Mediterranean.