In addition, the main goals are expected to be achieved through the development and implementation of the Protected Agricultural Areas (ZAP). This initiative responds to the needs of multifaceted support from the different producers and its main goal is to improve the conditions for practicing agriculture, livestock, fishing, and aquaculture. This is going to be achieved by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries assigning specific hectares to different cooperatives and providing different services and investments such as irrigation systems, agricultural equipment, training, logistic support, among others. Eventually the cooperatives are expected to take over the operations from the second crop year.

The Hand-in-Hand initiative is supporting the development of cassava flour production in two regions in the country. The main activities that are being supported are development of production, increase concession area, and organisation of farmers into groups for contract farming with processing units. Also, investments are aimed at the establishment of small flour production units and commercialization of sub products.The investment required is 18.2 million USD with an IRR of 33%, benefiting 2000 cassava producers and 1000 processing centres.

Soy and Maize Production
Production of soy and maize not sufficient to meet food requirements and animal feed needs, leading to a large quantity of imports and low productivity of crops. In addition, low production of animal feed is one of the main bottlenecks for livestock farming and development in the country.
The investment required is 183.5 million USD with an IRR of 11.7%, benefiting 101,400 producers.

Poultry farming
In Congo, food imports are 70% animal-based, having as one of the main sector problems the supply of inputs, especially one day chicks and feed, which usually are costly and low quality. Investmens aim to meet the national needs of poultry products of quality trough to the installation of modern production infrastructures for import substitution. More specifically, build and equip parental farms, hatcheries and manufacturing plants around all major cities.
The investment required is around 15 million USD with an IRR of 20% for eggs and 1.6 million USD with an IRR of 11.1% for the broilers, benefiting 4325 producers and producing more than 96 million eggs per year.
Climate-smart irrigation development
In Congo, agriculture is rain-fed based on slash and burn cultivation, leading producers use few resources on their farms subject to the effects of climate change, such as flooding, strong insolation, etc. With large irrigable basins around the country, investments are focused on developing Irrigation schemes on 2,942 ha in the Cuvette department. Activities include exploitation in food crop perimeters, food polyculture, seed production, fruit tree growing, developing two types of irrigation, sprinkler and drip irrigation systems, pumping of surface water using solar energy and training of farmers in improved farming techniques (FFS).
The investment required is around 44 million USD with an IRR of 13.7%, benefiting 12,411 farmers.
See the investment plan slide deck presentation by Congo: Congo's investment plan slide deck presentation from 2022. Updated priorities and investments are being developed for the 2023 Hand in Hand IF.