
Rice value chain
The aim is to increase productivity and reduce costs through investments in irrigation infrastructure in lowlands production systems resilient to climate change (SRI) and through efficient modern milling equipment that reduce losses. The current levels of productivity are at 1.6 tonnes per hectare obtained through the widely used uncertified seeds and low inputs creating a 50% gap filled by imports.
Adopting SRI systems on over 5,500 hectares, allow yields of 4.4 tonnes/ha, with fewer inputs leading to a significant reduction of import dependence. The expected internal rate of return is 24.72%.

Onion value chain
An exclusively women value chain from production to trade, and the proposed investments aim to reduce imports by developing the irrigation infrastructure and good agriculture practices for areas under horticulture production in general and specifically onions. The investments would improve the yields, lower the costs and the post-harvest losses. The latter is achieved thanks to storage facilities that in addition to keep harvest longer for larger quantities, will also provide remunerating prices for farmers adopting such equipment. The expected internal rate of return is 23.21%.
Eggs and Poultry farming value chains
In 2021, Guinea Bissau imported more than half a million kg of frozen chicken and approximately 29 million eggs. The investments proposed under the HiHI aim to increase local production by empowering existing production facilities (17 for poultry and 4 units producing eggs, had been identified) and increasing their capacity to produce better products for local markets, where demand is multiple folds the current supply. In fact, compared to the satisfied demand through imports, the existing capacity is very small of the identified units, where 30,700 kg of poultry and 1.4 millions eggs are produced on average annually. investments are needed at three key levels: feed, health and infrastructure (cold chain, slaughter houses…). The expected internal rate of return for broiler chickens and egg production are 19.15% and 71.14%, respectively.