Investments across the whole value chain are being prioritized for rice in the Prefecture of Yomou in the Guinea Forest, and the Siguiri Prefecture in Upper Guinea. Investments for maize are focused on the Lola Prefecture in the Guinea Forest, and in the Dinguiraye and Mandiana Prefectures in Upper Guinea.
Investments in both value chains are looking to substitute imports and increase productivity. Interventions for the promotion of Guinean cereals include the development of irrigation, adoption of improved seeds, installation of steaming complexes, improving access to mechanization, and development of storage facilities and collection markets.
With an investment of 41 million USD for the development of rice value chain, the IRR is 10% benefiting directly more than 32 thousand producers. For the development of maize, 42 million USD is required with an IRR of 12,5% benefiting more than 44 thousand producers.

Investments in livestock are being prioritized for the development of breeding of small ruminants in the Prefectures of Tougué and Koubia in Middle Guinea, the prefecture of Koundara in Lower Guinea, and the prefecture of Dabola in Upper Guinea, and pig farming in the prefectures of N'Zérékoré, Macenta and Youmou in Forest Guinea. Interventions include fattening, construction of cattle parks and equipment construction, supply of inputs and breeding core for sector development.
An investment of 47 million USD is aimed for small ruminants, with an IRR for sheep of 14% and an IRR for goats of 12,2%. More than 88 thousand producers will be benefited. For the pork value chain, 16 million USD are required with an IRR of 10% benefiting more than 35 thousand producers.


See the investment plan slide deck presentation from Guinea Conakry for IF 2023.
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