Haiti's participation in this year's Investment Forum reaffirms its commitment in transforming the national agricultural landscape through investment opportunities for resilience and long-term development, with a specific focus on the South-East region. By targeting five selected communes, Haiti aims to drive transformative changes in agri-food systems and enhance agricultural productivity.
In collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and other key stakeholders, the Haitian government is developing an investment plan that focuses on resilience building through the development and consolidation of two key value chains: yam and coffee in agroforestry systems.
The investments seek to increase production and productivity by implementing improved practices. Simultaneously, the plan aims to create employment opportunities for youth and women. To achieve these goals, it includes initiatives such as promoting local production of biological inputs, incorporating agroforestry systems, extending the shelf-life of produce, diversifying livelihoods through value-added transformation activities, and improving access to markets.
To address the challenges caused by protracted crises and create a resilient environment for value chains, strategic considerations and investment proposals for 2023 have been established.
The Special Roundtable at the Investment Forum serves as a platform to engage partners and mobilize resources for sustainable agricultural development in emergency contexts. Through its participation, Haiti aims to combat poverty and unemployment, overcome the impact of natural disasters, adapt to climate change, and improve access to nutrition by leveraging investment opportunities and implementing strategic partnerships.

The investment proposal aims to enhance the yam value chain in the South-East region by focusing on improving input availability and quality, improved soil and production management, local and international marketing, and yam consumption. This localized investment proposal covers 500 hectares of yam cultivation, including 300 hectares in agroforestry systems and 200 hectares in full sunlight, both intercropped with maize. The direct beneficiaries of this initiative are estimated to be 1,500 farmers, with an indirect impact on approximately 6,000 community members and the creation of 310 employment opportunities.
The key expected results include improved access to quality and sustainable inputs, establishment of seed production centers, creation of biofertilizer/biopesticide enterprises managed by women and youth, institutional support for the Communal Agricultural Office, provision of technological packages and extension services, enhanced nutrition through culinary demonstrations and recipe books, increased yam yields, and an overall boost in the value of production. Furthermore, the investment contributes to carbon sequestration through the restoration of agroforestry systems and improved cultivation practices is expected to capture 6.6 tCO2-eq per ha/year.
The budget for this investment proposal allocates funds for technological packages and commercial development support, plant and production improvement, training and demonstration plots, institutional support, yam processing, and project management. With the implementation of improved practices and technologies, yam yields are projected to double, resulting in higher production values. The total cost of the investment Is US$6.17 million with an estimated Internal Rate of Return of 17.5%.
The investment proposal aims to enhance the coffee value chain in the region, addressing the challenges of income generation, environmental resilience, and market access. The strategy focuses on enhancing input availability, improving coffee production and quality, and strengthening market connections, both locally and internationally. This investment seeks to create economic opportunities, reduce vulnerability to price fluctuations, and enhance ecological resilience against drought and soil erosion.
The investment will transform 500 hectares of coffee cultivation, transitioning from the current silvopastoral system to a more sustainable agroforestry system. By incorporating shade-providing banana trees, yams, and fruit trees that provide moisture and mulch, the new system will enhance the quality and productivity of coffee production. Implemented in collaboration with the DDA-SE, the investment will directly benefit at least 1,500 farmers and indirectly impact approximately 6,000 community members. The total project investment is estimated at US$ 5.95 million over a five-year implementation period.
Additionally, this investment contributes to carbon sequestration efforts, mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. The transition to an agroforestry system will lead to an estimated sequestration of approximately 68,622 tCO2-eq for 500 ha over 20 years, demonstrating the environmental sustainability of the project and its contribution to climate change mitigation.
The vision is for the South-East region to be recognized for its high quality and environmentally friendly coffee, contributing to economic development and resilience.
See the investment plan slide deck presentation from Haiti for IF 2023 (Below).
Investment forum Special event by Haiti
A special round table on Haiti is planned during the Investment Forum 2023 on Tuesday 17 October 2023.
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