The Government of Kenya has set in place a long-term plan focusing on four strategic areas:
· Pasture and fodder commercialization
· Climate-resilient, climate-smart livestock feeds production
· Establishment of animal feeds business centers
· Irrigation for high value forages
The plan is to implement these strategic across agro-ecological zones in three Semi-Arid counties and will focus on common as well county specific interventions.
In Kenya, the Hand-in-Hand Initiative supports investments addressing animal feeds gap currently estimated to be 60 percent. Although the livestock resource base has continued to increase reaching 24 million TLU, the available feeds resource can only meet about half of the total feeds demand. This is occasioned by irregular seasonal rains and periodic droughts have become a common occurrence. Therefore, investments focus on investment opportunities related to provision of animal feeds foundation data (digitized feed balance and feed inventory data), storage innovations, establishment of animal feeds business centres for priority feeds commodity value chains.


See the investment plan slide deck presentation from Kenya for IF 2023.
For more information, please contact the Hand-in-Hand team.
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