Colombia Investment Proposal



Colombia Investment Plans and Opportunities
HiH Investment Forum 2024

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The Proposal

Colombia will present the Integrated Project for the Pacific and Nariño Border at the 2024 Investment Forum. It is founded on five key pillars: (i) sustainable development of production, (ii) support for commercialization, (iii) strengthening agro-logistics and improving market accessibility, (iv) value addition in agro-industry, and (v) environmental, social, and economic sustainability. 

The project will be implemented in six municipalities across the Nariño region, specifically in the Sanquianga area, with a focus on value chains central to local communities’ livelihoods, including bivalve molluscs known as piangua, and artisanal fishing. The proposed intervention will build capacities in production, collection, processing, environmental sustainability, and commercialization across both sectors. 

Led by the Agency for Territorial Renewal (ART in Spanish), the project will be managed through a comprehensive governance system that includes civil society, territorial entities, sectoral entities, the private sector, and academia. 

The total cost of all five proposed investments is over USD 25.3 million, with an estimated internal rate of return (IRR) of 8.57% and a net present value (NPV) of approximately USD 5.03 million. Following a government investment of USD 10 million, the project's remaining financing gap amounts to USD 15.3 million. This project is expected to capture 5.6 million tCO2eq by 2044.  

Total Investment 
7.6 Million USD
IRR Value
NPV Value
11.8 Million USD
Direct  Beneficiaries
Indirect Beneficiaries
Total Beneficiaries
Per capita income increase
0 USD/year


Total Investment 
4.4 Million USD
IRR Value
NPV Value
760,871 USD
Direct  Beneficiaries
Indirect Beneficiaries
Total Beneficiaries
Per capita income increase
0 USD/year


Total Investment 
7.0 Million USD
IRR Value
NPV Value
760,871 USD
Direct  Beneficiaries
Indirect Beneficiaries
Total Beneficiaries
Per capita income increase
0 USD/year


Total Investment 
1.1 Million USD
IRR Value
NPV Value
3.4 Million USD
Direct  Beneficiaries
Indirect Beneficiaries
Total Beneficiaries
Per capita income increase
0 USD/year


Total Investment 
5.5 Million USD
IRR Value
NPV Value
0 Million USD
Direct  Beneficiaries
Indirect Beneficiaries
Total Beneficiaries
Per capita income increase
0 USD/year



Colombia Typologies




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Government of Colombia: Investment cases in the Colombia


Colombia Investment Cases and Interventions




7.6 Million USD

15,720 Beneficiaries

Integrated Project for the Pacific and Nariño Border 

Efficiency in Aquacultural Production 

The first investment proposed in the context of the project entails the delivery of upgraded vessels for artisanal fishing and piangua harvesting. Fishers will receive 135 modernized vessels with upgraded navigation technology and safety equipment, enabling them to explore waters further from the coast and therefore access more productive and lucrative fish stocks. Piangueros/as will receive 172 vessels that will ensure their access to productive mangroves. Both sets of beneficiaries, numbering 3,144 in total, will also receive seed capital, and technical assistance to register vessels (and fishing licenses) with national authorities. This component will cover 50% of local fishers and 75% of piangueros/as and is expected to raise monthly yields of fish and piangua to 259 tons and 4.95 million units, respectively.  

The investment is expected to cost approximately USD 7.6 million, with an estimated IRR of 25.3% and a NPV of USD 11.8 million. Due to this intervention, beneficiaries are expected to receive an average additional income of 1.2 national minimum wages per month.  


Infrastructure Development

4.4 Million USD

8,986 Beneficiaries

Cold-Chain Infrastructure and Connectivity 

The second component of the investment proposal will implement a range of critical infrastructure in five of six target municipalities, boosting the target area's volume of ice production to approximately 26.5 tons daily and strengthening the ability of fishers and piangueros/as to store products. To prevent producers from travelling long distances to obtain ice, the investment will implement five ice production facilities, and six ice storage facilities, each equipped with digital connectivity infrastructure. The added convenience proposed by this intervention will contribute to a 50% reduction in monthly fuel consumption and CO2 emissions per vessel. Ice sales will also strengthen beneficiary incomes, valued at USD 3,910 per day. Furthermore, 8hatcheries will be installed, enabling live pianguas to be stored, adding value to later exports. In total 1,070 fishers will have improved cold-chain access, and 394 piangueros/as will be able to store live piangua. 

The estimated cost of this component is over USD 4.4 million. Together with component three, the IRR and NPV are respectively estimated to be 6.8% and USD 761,000. 



7.0 Million USD

31,776 Beneficiaries

Energy Efficiency and Water Potabilization 

The third component of the project will implement 9 water treatment stations, 11 solar energy systems, and five complementary personal sanitation stations. This intervention will propagate a transition from diesel to solar-powered water treatment, reducing CO2 emissions by as much as 50% and providing clean drinking water for up to 19,200 people. It will also help satisfy demand for potable ice among fishers, adding value to the storage conditions for fish products.  

This component will cost approximately USD 7 million, at an estimated IRR of 6.8% and a NPV of USD 761,000. 

Mangrove Restoration

1.0 Million USD

10,370 Beneficiaries

Restoration of Mangrove Ecosystem 

The project's fourth component will provide inputs and technical assistance for the restoration of over 533 hectares of critically endangered mangroves across the target area. By establishing four mangrove nurseries and re-seeding the area through a variety of approaches (nursing sapling transfer, direct seeding, and natural restoration via canal-digging), the annual amount of CO2 captured by the mangroves is expected to increase by 9.4%. This is a critical intervention, given that biodiversity conservation in high-concentration ecosystems like mangroves is valued at over USD 2.88 million yearly. It will also support the livelihoods of piangua harvesters, given that restored mangroves will strengthen the resilience and productivity of piangua's natural habitats. 

In total, this component is projected to cost approximately USD 1.1 million, with an IRR of 16.9% and an NPV of approximately USD 3.4 million. 

Cooperative Management

5.5 Million USD

15,720 Beneficiaries

Cooperative Administration Model 

The final project component will provide all piangueros/as and fishers with 752 capacity-building and technical assistance sessions over a 36-month window. This technical support program will empower the productive, commercial, administrative, and infrastructure maintenance capabilities of six newly established cooperatives (one per municipality). Each cooperative will pursue axes of action which include sustainable production, capacity-building, infrastructural improvement, technology implementation, the establishment of support networks, and finally, the promotion of social and economic inclusion. This investment will enhance the project's sustainability by creating 70 administrative jobs and strengthening producers’ business strategies, access to value-addition processes like certifications, and commercial relations with clients. 

The final component is estimated to cost approximately USD 5.5 million. 




For more information, please contact the Hand-in-Hand team.