Mauritania Investment Proposal



Mauritania Investment Plans and Opportunities
HiH Investment Forum 2024

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The Proposal

The Hand-in-Hand Initiative is working alongside the Government of Mauritania to implement the Rural Sector Development Strategy SDSR 2025, which aims to give the rural sector the political and strategic framework it deserves in the economic and social development of the country. 

Livestock farming is one of the country’s major assets, contributing to ~10% of GDP and is the second largest provider of jobs (11% of the active population). Livestock farming is extensive with low productivity and dependence on natural resources, which combined with a large demand of milk, leads to high imports of dairy and livestock feed.  
Mauritania’s government is focused on developing two key investment areas: local milk and wheat. Currently it is working with HiH to attract investors, including the private sector, along with national investments to meet local demand for milk as well as for wheat. 

Total Investment 
208.3 Million USD
IRR Value
NPV Value
60.82 Million USD
Direct  Beneficiaries
Indirect Beneficiaries
Total Beneficiaries
Per capita income increase
5,800 USD/year
- 226,700 t


Total Investment 
60.3 Million USD
IRR Value
NPV Value
31.34 Million USD
Direct  Beneficiaries
Indirect Beneficiaries
Total Beneficiaries
Per capita income increase
11,500 USD/year
 1,267,686 t



Mauritania Typologies




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Government of Mauritania: Investment cases in the Mauritania


Mauritania Investment Cases and Interventions




208.3 Million USD

44,500 Beneficiaries

Irrigated wheat

Currently, only 1% of national needs for wheat are covered, with a consumption of 123 kg per year per inhabitant and a high demand for livestock feed, leading to imports of USD 322 million. Investments are focused on implementing irrigation to increase productivity and yields, concentrating on construction of primary canals, equipping 23,000 hectares with sprinkling with fencing, supplying power lines, rehabilitation of rural roads, and seed production.  
Actions aim at increasing yields to 4.5 tonnes/hectare, to produce an average yearly of 80,000 tons of grains, 180,000 tons of straw and 1.4 million tons of fodder. Investments in two target zones is estimated at USD 208 million, from which private investment required is of USD 113.7 million, with an IRR of 21%, benefiting 17,500 farmers. 



60.3 Million USD

6,750 Beneficiaries

Local Milk 

Currently, only 30% of national demand for milk are covered, with a consumption of 122 litters per year per inhabitant, leading to imports of USD 80 million. Currently there is a cattle herd of 2 million heads and camel herd of 1.4 million heads, with a production potential of 900 million litters/year of milk. Therefore, investments are being focused on improvement of productivity by developing an artificial insemination program for genetic improvement, construction of around 120 dairy facilities with mechanical milking to enhance production and facilitate milk collection, installation of 30 milk collection centres with training of staff and milkers equipped with refrigerated mopeds and automated milking machines, and development of 12 dairies to transform milk into fresh and long-life dairy products. 

These investments will allow an increase in coverage of national needs to 80% and increase collection capacity by 35%, with an average production of around 120,000 tons of milk per year. Investments in four target regions will require USD 60 million, from which USD 46.4 million are private investments, with an IRR of 26.4, benefiting 4,250 producers. 




For more information, please contact the Hand-in-Hand team.