Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Diseases (ECTAD)
Asia and the Pacific Region

Annual Regional Coordination Workshop for Strengthening Animal Health Systems in Southeast Asia

Krong Siem Reap (Cambodia), 09/09/2024 - 11/09/2024

Southeast Asia and the Pacific region are particularly susceptible to the emergence of infectious diseases and vulnerable to the impacts of transboundary animal diseases, zoonoses and other threats to health security in the region. These ongoing threats and burdens demonstrate the need for continuous strengthening of animal health system capabilities in Southeast Asia and the Pacific. The institutional and multisectoral workforce capability to have resilient and equitable animal health systems and to counter biological threats remains limited and more advocacy is needed to engage animal health in a One Health approach. There is dire need for improving early warning, surveillance and biosecurity and enhancing preparedness and response to animal health events building capabilities that are robust and sustainable to prevent, detect and prepare for biological threats affecting animal and public health. 

FAO is partnering with the Biological Threat Reduction Program (BTRP) of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) of the United States Government (since July 2023) on a regional project aiming at Strengthening Animal Health Systems in Southeast Asia. The Project “Strengthening Animal Health Systems for Biological Threat Reduction in Southeast Asia” (OSRO/RAS/404/USA) overall aim is to contribute to reducing the risks and impact of biological threats in Southeast Asia, through improved epidemiological capability, strengthened laboratory networks, and enhanced strategic surveillance and early warning systems across animal health systems. 

In addition, the project is building on capacities, achievements and lessons learned from the 18-year partnerships between FAO and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), currently under the Global Health Security Program (GHSP). This event will provide the opportunity to coordinate a programmatic and synergistic approach across country and regional initiatives. 


  1. Share and discuss updates and progress in the regional and national implementation of the OSRO/RAS/404/USA project;
  2. Review the planning for regional- and national-level activities, timelines and implementation modalities of the OSRO/RAS/404/USA project;

Expected Outputs 

  1. Updated planning, timelines, implementation modalities, and monitoring of the OSRO/RAS/404/USA project;
  2. Enhanced understanding of project progress, challenges, and opportunities and improved stakeholder engagement and coordination mechanisms between the OSRO/RAS/404/USA project and other complementary projects;
  3. Meeting report summarizing main discussion points and key outcomes

Resource materials for the participants (click here).