Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Diseases (ECTAD)
Asia and the Pacific Region

ASEAN adopts three technical and policy frameworks supported by FAO ECTAD


Farmers during the FETPV training in Indonesia

Veterinarians in Central Java, Indonesia interview a cattle farmer due to the anthrax outbreaks in the area.


Strengthening the capacity of ASEAN mechanisms to prevent, detect and respond to zoonotic diseases with pandemic potential using the One Health approach is crucial to prevent future pandemics. Contributing to this goal, the 45th ASEAN Ministers on Agriculture and Forestry (AMAF) meeting on 4 October 2023 adopted three policy and technical frameworks supported by FAO ECTAD and the Government of Australia. These frameworks mark a crucial step in advancing cooperation for the sub-region's preparedness, prevention and control of zoonotic and transboundary animal diseases.

The "Post-2020 Avian Influenza Control Framework in ASEAN" outlines a comprehensive strategy to address avian influenza challenges based on the learnings and achievements of the Roadmap for an HPAI-Free ASEAN Community by 2020. The document underscores the collaborative efforts needed to mitigate the impact of avian influenza on the region's poultry and public health sectors.

The "Policy Brief on Mitigating Risk of Zoonotic and EID"  highlights the importance of proactive strategies to identify factors that lead to effective risk reduction along the livestock value chain.

The "Assessment Tool for Regional Strategic Framework for Veterinary Epidemiology" serves as a guideline for assessing and evaluating the epidemiology capacities at regional and country levels, leading to harmonize initiatives and improved capacities in addressing animal health challenges.

These technical and policy frameworks, championed and supported by FAO ECTAD, exemplify ASEAN's dedication to collaborative frameworks and strategic tools, fostering a united front in the face of evolving challenges in animal health and food security across the region.

Find out more
Rindu Putri, FAO ECTAD Regional Communications Specialist