Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries

in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication

This project, a sub-programme of the FAO Flexible Voluntary Contributions fund ( FVC), is the second phase of the project Implementing the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines for gender-equitable and climate-resilient food systems and livelihoods. It aims to enhance the resilience and sustainability of livelihoods within small-scale fisheries communities by implementing the SSF Guidelines, with a specific emphasis on post-harvest sector improvements and gender equality.

The SSF Guidelines are intended to support the visibility, recognition and enhancement of the already important role of small-scale fisheries and to contribute to global and national efforts towards the eradication of hunger and poverty. They support responsible fisheries and sustainable social and economic development for the benefit of current and future generations, with an emphasis on small- scale fishers and fish workers and related activities and including vulnerable and marginalized people, promoting a human rights-based approach.

All parties should recognize that capacity development should build on existing knowledge and skills and be a two-way process of knowledge transfer, providing for flexible and suitable learning pathways to meet the needs of individuals, including both men and women and vulnerable and marginalized groups. Moreover, capacity development should include building the resilience and adaptive capacity of small- scale fishing communities in relation to disaster risk management and climate change adaption.
§12.3 SSF Guidelines

Activities will take place in Ghana, Madagascar, Namibia, the Philippines, the United Republic of Tanzania and Uganda, and have been designed through a participative process and based on the four expected outputs of the project. These activities include enhancing effective participation of small-scale fisheries stakeholders in organizations, developing hard and soft skills in the post-harvest segment of the value chain, and increasing local ownership and partnerships in the subsector. In addition, the project aims to further develop and implement National Plans of Action for Small-Scale Fisheries (NPOAs-SSF)​.

Expected Outputs
Responsible and climate smart practices as well as better working conditions in small-scale fisheries, in particular in the post-harvest segment.
Strengthened small-scale fisheries organizations through collaboration and experience sharing, with improved participation and representation in decision-making processes and value chains, in particular for women.
Supportive policies through initiation, development, and implementation of National Plans of Action for Small-Scale Fisheries at national level as agreed frameworks for action.
Strengthen global knowledge, collective learning, and capacity for implementing the SSF Guidelines.
Related SDGs
Related publications
National Plan of Action for Small-Scale Fisheries in Uganda (NPOA-SSF)

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