Virtual inception meeting on new project 'Implementing the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines for gender-equitable and climate-resilient food systems and livelihoods - Phase 2”

A virtual inception meeting was held to bring together key project stakeholders and FAO colleagues from headquarters, regional and country offices to introduce and discuss the activities that will be developed during the new FAO project 'Implementing the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines for gender-equitable and climate-resilient food systems and livelihoods - Phase 2” project, which will be funded by FAO’s Flexible Voluntary Mechanism (FVC). This initiative builds upon the successes of its first phase and the related global project “Creating an enabling environment for securing sustainable small-scale fisheries”
The second phase of the project is global in nature, with a focus on sub-Saharan Africa and Asia (Ghana, Madagascar, Namibia, the Philippines, the United Republic of Tanzania and Uganda), and aims to enhance gender equality and resilience in food systems and livelihoods within small-scale fisheries communities.
During the meeting, participants received an overview of the project, along with detailed presentations on the work plan, communications strategy, budget, and operational aspects. Emphasis was placed on aligning efforts to improve efficiency and avoid issues and challenges identified during Phase 1. Colleagues expressed a keen interest in enhancing communication between country offices and headquarters, advocating for increased peer-to-peer exchanges and more collaborative meetings.
The Sub-programme’s objective is to secure and improve small-scale fisheries livelihoods and their contribution to food security. It aims to achieve this by enhancing organizational capacity, supporting participatory policy frameworks for action and promoting more equitable, sustainable, and resilient value-chains, particularly within the context of National Plans of Action for Small-Scale Fisheries (NPOAs-SSF), contributing to their development and implementation.
With activities set to commence shortly, the outputs of the project are expected to be:
- Responsible and climate smart practices as well as better working conditions in small-scale fisheries, in particular in the post-harvest segment.
- Strengthened small-scale fisheries organizations through collaboration and experience sharing, with improved participation and representation in decision-making processes and value chains, in particular for women.
- Supportive policies through initiation, development, and implementation of National Plans of Action for Small-Scale Fisheries at national level as agreed frameworks for action.
- Strengthen global knowledge, collective learning, and capacity for implementing the SSF Guidelines.
Explore our dedicated page to learn more about the implementation of the SSF Guidelines.