FAO emergencies and resilience


By the end of 2022, the Global Report on Food Crises recorded the highest-ever levels of acute food insecurity – affecting a quarter of a billion people in 53 countries – in spite of the highest ever levels of funding for humanitarian response.

Throughout 2023, needs remained unacceptably and stubbornly high: 258 million people in 53 countries were acutely food insecure. Concurrently, humanitarian budgets began tightening, leaving millions without assistance.

Food crises continue to dominate the global outlook for 2024. Extreme weather events driven by the climate crisis are interacting with new and intensifying conflicts and economic instability, pushing humanitarian needs higher.

The reality of high needs and likely further contraction of bilateral donor funding means that the 2024 humanitarian response planning process must further sharpen its focus on those most at risk and the most cost-effective ways to meet their immediate food security needs.

In 2024, within the Humanitarian Response Plans, FAO is seeking a total of USD 1.8 billion to assist 43 million people to produce their own food. At a time of funding cuts, this support is both life-saving and cost-effective – on average for every USD 50 a donor provides, rural families are producing USD 300 in food.


The Democratic Republic of the Congo is one of Africa’s largest internal displacement crises, with 22 percent of the population acutely food insecure due to increased armed conflict and the impact of climate hazards.


Ethiopia faces major humanitarian challenges, mainly driven by climate and economic shocks, armed conflict and food chain threats.


In Guatemala, the high cost of the basic food basket hinders households’ ability to access food and leads to increased adoption of negative coping mechanisms, such as selling productive assets or depleting seed reserves to meet basic food needs.


Agriculture is an increasingly vital lifeline for people in Haiti. Rising insecurity and low harvests have pushed food prices up.


Honduras is experiencing a multifaceted crisis, mainly due to widespread violence, climate extremes and forced population movements.