FAO emergencies and resilience

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Five hundred farmers in six governorates across Syria will restore their seedling production activities after receiving nursery tools and intensive training


Thanks to European Union support - FAO is regenerating livestock production to strengthen the resilience of vulnerable populations in Borno State.


As part of a joint programme between the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Food Programme (WFP), FAO implemented the Dimitra Clubs, a gender-transformative approach aimed at improving rural livelihoods and gender equality through collective action and self-help.


The project funded by the European Union aims to sustainably reduce the food insecurity and malnutrition of children under five and pregnant and lactating women in Lomela territory, where food security indicators were amongst the worst in the country.


FAO in collaboration with the state government and financial backing of the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations, the European Union Trust Fund and the Governments of Germany