FAO emergencies and resilience


The Government of Japan contributed USD 1.5 million to the FAO project, "Emergency livelihood support for conflict-affected households in the Afar and Amhara regions of Ethiopia", which was implemented from 22 March 2023 to 21 March 2024.


Ethiopia faces major humanitarian challenges, mainly driven by climate and economic shocks, armed conflict and food chain threats.


The Identification, Delivery and Empowerment Application (IDEA) is a digital ecosystem of applications developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to ensure the protection and secure management of beneficiary data, and delivery and tracking of assistance.


Under the resilience building programme, Ethiopia is a focus country for the regional initiative on Building Resilience in Africa’s Dry lands.


The lives and livelihoods of an estimated one million people in Ethiopia’s Tigray region have been severely disrupted by the recent drought in the north.


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Emergency Management Centre is a global centre that supports the management of One Health emergencies such as animal health and plant health.


FAO's project entitled "Scaling up Early Warning Early Action (EWEA) for agriculture and food security", funded by Germany aimed to strengthen the resilience of vulnerable people in high risk countries, prevent food crises, and reduce humanitarian needs.


FAO–WFP early warnings on acute food insecurity: November 2023 to April 2024 outlook


Improve the food security and resilience of vulnerable households affected by conflict in Tigray.


To mitigate the impact of drought on the food security and livelihoods of affected communities.


Ethiopia continues to face several overlapping crises, in particular conflict and record drought, which have resulted in poor crop production, limited access to markets to buy and sell produce, loss of income and high levels of malnutrition and food insecurity.


FAO made great strides in ensuring agro/pastoralists in Ethiopia were well prepared to combat the double threat of conflict and drought in 2022.


This report provides an update on the acute food insecurity in countries and territories that have the world’s highest burden of people in need of emergency food, nutrition and livelihood assistance as a result of protracted conflict combined with other factors.


As part of the United Nations Global Action Plan on Child Wasting, FAO requires USD 500 million to implement its action plan to prevent child wasting (2023–2024) in the 15 most-affected countries.


Through the Special Fund for Emergency and Rehabilitation Activities, the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium is supporting FAO's efforts to ensure the timely provision of fertilizers to meet the input needs of farmers in Tigray, Ethiopia.


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Food Programme (WFP) warn that acute food insecurity is likely to deteriorate further in 19 countries or situations – called hunger hotspots – during the outlook period from October 2022 to January 2023.


The Horn of Africa is facing the third severe La Niña‑induced drought episode in a decade, and the region is on the verge of a catastrophe if humanitarian assistance is not urgently scaled up and sustained.


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Food Programme (WFP) warn that acute food insecurity is likely to deteriorate further in 20 countries or situations (including two regional clusters) – called hunger hotspots – during the outlook period from June to September 2022.


Tigray’s Meher season is just weeks away (June/July 2022). With the rainfall outlook favourable (normal to above-normal), the season offers a critical and cost-effective opportunity to improve food availability across the region


In late 2019, a massive outbreak of desert locusts swept across the greater Horn of Africa and Yemen. This infographic outlines the actions FAO and partners took to avert a disaster, and showcases the impacts and results of the early, scaled up action.