Mozambique: Humanitarian Response Plan 2021
The humanitarian crisis in Northern Mozambique has rapidly escalated, leaving an estimated 1.3 million people in need of urgent humanitarian assistance and protection in 2021.
Mozambique: Addressing the impacts of COVID-19 in food crises (May 2020 – April 2021)
This national response plan details FAO's programme of work in Mozambique to help combat the fallout of COVID-19 on an already unfolding food crises among vulnerable sections of the population.
Southern Africa: Emergency Response Plan 2019–2020
Without immediate interventions, the impact of the ongoing and devastating drought in Southern Africa could result in the number of severely food-insecure people in the region reaching over 12 million at the peak of the lean season (October-March 2020).
Mozambique: Humanitarian Response Plan 2018-2019
Given its geographical location, Mozambique experiences natural hazards every year that continue to affect people’s livelihoods, particularly in rural areas, and exacerbate their vulnerabilities.