FAO emergencies and resilience


The Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands contributed USD 28 million to the FAO project, "Food and Nutrition Security Resilience Programme (FNS-REPRO): Building food system resilience in protracted crises", which was implemented from 1 October 2019 to 31 March 2023.


With conflict raging since April 2023, the Sudan has rapidly become the world’s largest internal displacement crisis.


This is the thirteenth update of the Monitoring food security in food crisis countries and territories with conflict situations, jointly produced by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Food Programme (WFP) to inform members of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on critical food crises driven by conflict and insecurity.


The Government of the United States of America contributed USD 19 million to strengthen Food Security and Livelihoods sector coordination platforms, increase immediate food access and restore the productive capacities of 598 200 vulnerable farming and pastoral households in the Sudan.


This report provides an overview of the Sudan’s summer season agricultural performance as of September 2023.


The outbreak of conflict in the Sudan in April 2023 plunged the population into a humanitarian crisis. Over 20.3 million people are experiencing high acute food insecurity.


FAO–WFP early warnings on acute food insecurity: November 2023 to April 2024 outlook


Restoring and enhancing food production and strengthening agricultural livelihoods to support farming, herding and fishing communities


In collaboration with the FAO Representation in the Sudan, the FAO Subregional Office for Eastern Africa, the FAO Regional Office for Near East and North Africa, and the FAO Inclusive Rural Transformation and Gender Equality Division, this DIEM – Data in Emergencies situation overview presents the potential impacts of the ongoing conflict on agriculture and food security in the Sudan.


The ongoing conflict in the Sudan, which erupted on 15 April, has worsened an already fragile food security situation.


This Data in Emergencies Monitoring (DIEM-Monitoring) brief shares the results of a fourth-round assessment conducted in January 2023 in the Sudan.


Food insecurity remains significantly high in the Sudan, driven by increased and prolonged instability and displacement, economic deterioration and high food prices.


As a result of devasting floods in 2020, the livelihoods of farming and livestock keeping households across the Sudan were severely disrupted. 


This report provides an update on the acute food insecurity in countries and territories that have the world’s highest burden of people in need of emergency food, nutrition and livelihood assistance as a result of protracted conflict combined with other factors.


This Data in Emergencies Monitoring (DIEM-Monitoring) brief shares the results of a third-round assessment conducted in September 2022 in the Sudan.


The Horn of Africa is facing the third severe La Niña‑induced drought episode in a decade, and the region is on the verge of a catastrophe if humanitarian assistance is not urgently scaled up and sustained.


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Food Programme (WFP) warn that acute food insecurity is likely to deteriorate further in 20 countries or situations (including two regional clusters) – called hunger hotspots – during the outlook period from June to September 2022.


Thirty percent of Sudanese are expected to need life-sustaining support in 2022, the highest number in the past decade. A combination of shocks and stressors, including conflict, population displacement and economic decline, has resulted in alarmingly high levels of food insecurity.


Between 19 December 2021 and 14 January 2022, following a request by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forest (MoA&F), the Food Security Technical Secretariat (FSTS), assisted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the World Food Programme (WFP) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), carried out its annual Crop and Food Supply and Assessment Mission (CFSAM) .