Rice value chain
The objective is to increase rice production and productivity through investments in the development and management of production resources, infrastructure, and capacities, such as improved access to risiculture basins, improved access to agricultural inputs (high-quality seed production, fertilizers, phytosanitary protection and pest control, advice and extension..), support for mechanization, storage, and processing, and increased access to markets and promotion of local rice. The current production is 270.000 tonnes, with 2.23 t/ha yields and post-harvest losses, with an estimated gap of 450.000 t/year. Investing in the development of resilient rainfed, lowland, and irrigated rice value chains, with improved seeds and integrated measures for increased productivity, would lead to improved incomes and food security.
Rice-Fish culture system
The aim is to pilot a rice-fish culture in one of the areas targeted for the development of irrigated rice fields. The proposed investments aim to develop an integrated and sustainable rice-fish system by promoting profitable rice-fish farming production techniques, technical and organizational capacities of key actors, including producer organizations, and timely market information. These investments would allow higher returns than those of rice monoculture due to higher rice yields, fewer fertilizers and pesticides, and improved soil fertility; to sustainable use of land and water resources; as well as increased food security and nutrition in a region where estimated 10.9% of the population suffers from malnutrition.
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