FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean

IX Meeting of the Regional Network of Public Food Supply and Marketing Systems in Latin America and the Caribbean (SPAA)

Brasília (Brazil), 21/08/2024 - 23/08/2024


Promote a dialogue based on the experiences generated by the members of the SPAA Network in Latin America and the Caribbean, regarding food supply and marketing policies aimed at promoting more inclusive, resilient, and sustainable agri-food systems, in the face of climate change and emergency situations.

Expected results
  • Experiences were shared regarding supply and marketing policies generated in emergency scenarios that ensure food access, the generation of information for decision-making.
  • The technical capacities of the members of the SPAA network have been strengthened through dialogues and technical exchanges.
  • To learn about the policies and initiatives that are being developed at the regional level and their innovation.
  • Expand the members of the Network by considering the presence of new invited institutions.
  • Network authorities elected for the period 2024 - 2026.

The event will be aimed at managers and technical staff of the Public Food Supply Systems of Latin American and Caribbean countries, members of the SPAA Regional Network, and guest countries.

  • Face-to-face meeting
  • Development of technical talks of interest to the members of the SPAA Network
  • Development of field visits to exchange experiences in an experiential and direct way with the protagonists
  • Visits to Brazilian authorities of institutions responsible for food supply and marketing policies
  • Preparation of an aide-memoir of the main agreements
  • Network Statement
Date and place
  • August 21 to 23, 2024
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Itamaraty
  • Brasilia - Brazil

Jorge Meza


FAO – Brazil

Gustavo Chianca

Assistant Program Representative

FAO – Brazil

Joao Marcelo Intini

Food Systems and Policy Officer

FAO Regional Office

David Torres

Food Systems and Inclusive Marketing Specialist

FAO Regional Office

Pedro Boareto

BP Project Coordinator

FAO Regional Office

Paola Murphy

FAO Regional Office