Regional Launch of the Decade of Family Farming 2019-2028 From August 25th to 27th 2019, Dominican Republic
Hybrid Event, 25/08/2019 - 27/08/2019
What are the new proposals for family farming regarding the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development?
Even though this question has already being asked among social movements, academics and policy makers, the answer is still under construction, and there is a relative consensus on the need to renew the action strategy in a more systemic and less sectoral way
The recent approval of the Decade of Family Farming by the United Nations Assembly offers an extraordinary opportunity to contribute significantly to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in an inclusive, collaborative and coherent manner, taking into account the multidimensionality of family farming.
The link with the environmental, health and nutrition dimensions, the fight against poverty and inequality, the strengthening of the social structure in rural territories and the revitalization of the economies demand to be better known and explored. This should contribute to the renewal of the narrative and development strategy of family farming and, likewise, to the promotion of innovations that effectively drive transformative changes in the rural world. The new policies must increasingly take into account the vision of multiple actors and functions of the rural world, including more explicitly the private sector, which has been excluded from this dialogue. Without it, the achievement of the SDGs will be very difficult.
During the Regional Launch of the Decade of Family Farming, stakeholders will seek to renew the commitment to the sector, reaffirm the bases for the generation of a transformative work agenda promoting sustainable development processes that contribute to the eradication of hunger and poverty, and the creation of a more just, inclusive and prosperous region.
Promote and build in a participatory manner the necessary agreements for the implementation of the Decade of Family Farming.
- Ministers of Agriculture of the region or Representatives from Government Institutions linked to Family Farming
- Representatives of Family Farming organizations, youth, women and indigenous peoples organizations
- Parliamentarians members of national congresses and regional bodies
- Representatives of academic institutions
- Representatives of the private business and cooperative sector
- Officers from Non-Governmental Organizations of Cooperation
- Officers from Agencies and Organizations of the United Nations System
Web Site of the Decade of Family Farming
- Declaration of Bavaro
- Concept Note
- Agenda
- Logistic Note
- Opening Remarks (Julio Berdegué)
- Conference
- Opening Remarks (Mario Arévalo)
Framework documents
- Global Action Plan
- El trabajo de la FAO en la agricultura familia
- Agricultura Familiar: de los conceptos a las políticas públicas en América Latina y el Caribe
Voices for change
Decade in Guatemala