FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean

Regional REBYC II - LAC Results Forum

Hybrid Event, 08/07/2021


The Sustainable Management of Bycatch in Trawl Fisheries in Latin America and the Caribbean (REBYC II -LAC Project), formally started in 2015, giving continuity to the progress achieved by a first REBYC (I -LAC) that was developed between 2002 and 2008.

REBYC II LAC was created with the environmental objective of contributing to reduce the negative impact on ecosystems and achieve a more sustainable shrimp trawl fishery, through the application of an Ecosystem Approach and bycatch management; while promoting the improvement and diversification of the livelihoods of coastal communities to boost food security, as a development objective.

The project is being implemented in Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago where, according to its components and committed products, it has promoted adjustments to legal and regulatory frameworks, improved practices and technologies, contributing to more sustainable fisheries, and promoted actions for the diversification of livelihoods dependent exclusively on fishing.

This being its final stage, the project's Steering Committee considered it essential to share the results achieved and lessons learned with key stakeholders in the sector and civil society. These results are intended to be, in turn, the foundations for continuing the process of increasingly efficient and sustainable fisheries, and therefore the Steering Committee agreed to organize a virtual Regional Forum for this pur


a.   To share results and lessons learned from project implementation.

b.   To exchange opinions and proposals for action to strengthen the sustainability of the processes initiated and the achievements attained.

Target Audience

Fishing authorities, organizations of industrial and artisanal fishermen and fisherwomen, academics and civil society organizations interested in sustainable fishing practices.

Logistical information

Date and time: 08/July/2021, 10:00am Eastern Standard Time

-        The moderator and panelists are NOT required to register. They will use a personalized link that will be used for both the test session and the event.

-        Panelist test session: Wednesday 07 July at 14:00 Santiago (GMT-4)

The forum will have simultaneous translation in English, Spanish and Portuguese. (zoom only)



Maya Moure Peña
Coordinadora Regional del Proyecto Oficina Subregional de FAO para el Caribe

Aristóteles Stavrinaky
Consultor de Gestión del Conocimiento y Comunicación
Oficina Subregional de FAO para el Caribe                                              

Alejandro Flores
Oficial Técnico Principal
Oficina Subregional de FAO para Mesoamérica