FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean

The Week of Agriculture and Food: Future Challenges for Latin America and the Caribbean

Hybrid Event, 20/11/2018 - 23/11/2018

Day 2 Live Streaming - 21-11-2018

The Week of Agriculture and Food Official video

Live Streamings

Day 1 - 20-11-2018



The majority of the environmental, social and economic objectives of the Sustainable Development Goals must be met by rural societies and the agri-food industries. Sustainable development is not possible without rural areas and the agri-food sector. However, in order to reach these goals, rural societies and actors in the agri-food systems of Latin America and the Caribbean will have to make significant transformations.

The Week of Agriculture and Food: Future Challenges for Latin America and the Caribbean is a regional forum for the exchange of experiences, dialogue, learning and building partnerships among diverse actors from rural areas and the agri-food sector, with the aim of contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

The first version of The Week is jointly organized by FAO and the Government of Argentina’s Secretary of Agro-Industry. FAO and the Government of Argentina have invited over 30 entities from different sectors to participate in the organization of specific activities (parallel panels) and/or to sponsor participants. These entities are recognized as partners of The Week.

Public authorities and professionals of the region will participate during The Week, along with leaders of civil society organizations and social movements, private sector representatives, academics, and directors and officials from multilateral organisations.

The Week’s programme has been structured around four subjects: (i) food systems and the obesity-hunger paradox in the region; (ii) more efficient strategies to eliminate the burden of extreme rural poverty and make progress towards sustainable rural development; (iii) the challenges facing resilient rural societies and the emergence of a new agri-food economy adapted to climate change; and (iv) future technological challenges in agricultural and rural development.

The programme includes four plenary sessions with over 500 participants, six semi-plenaries, and 26 parallel panels. The plenaries and semi-plenaries will take place every morning during the four days of the event (November 20-23), and the parallel sessions will be every afternoon during the first three days (November 20-22).


Semana de la Agricultura y la Alimentación
























Location map