FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean

World Food Safety Day

Hybrid Event, 07/06/2023 - 07/07/2023

¡Welcome to the World Food Safety Day in Latin America and the Caribbean 2023!

Every year, 600 million people fall sick as a result of around 200 different types of foodborne illness. Food safety has a direct impact on health. Safe food allows for the uptake of nutrients, promotes long-term human development and achievement of several of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Food safety is a shared responsibility, involving the whole supply chain, from producers to consumers. In this context, most foodborne diseases are preventable with proper food handling and education at all levels.

Food safety is everyone's business! World Food Safety Day (WFSD) is an opportunity to:

  • making people aware of food safety issues.
  • demonstrating how to prevent illness through food safety.
  • discussing collaborative approaches to improved food safety across sectors.
  • promoting solutions and ways  to improve food safety.

This 2023, for the third consecutive year, the international and regional organizations of CCLAC, IICA, FAO, OIRSA and PAHO/PANAFTOSA join forces to celebrate WFSD together with a webinar and a digital drawing contest, that seek to emphasize the importance of food safety for better health.

The webinar will be divided into two sessions. The first will share the experiences and perspectives of three Latin American and Caribbean countries on food traceability. Codex turns 60 years old! And to celebrate it, during the second session we will look at Codex history and relevance at the global level, prominent role and the progress of Codex in the region.

The event will be broadcast on June 5 and 6, 2023 and is aimed for the participation of all actors in the food chain in the Latin American and Caribbean region.

Because food standards save lives, we invite you to register here to participate in the webinars.

Contest rules

Participants in the drawing contest must submit a piece of digital art, created in any program or design platform, that shows the importance of food safety in any stage of the Agrifood chain, either during the production, marketing or consumption of food.

The contest is aimed at people of all ages. The winner will receive a certificate and his/her artwork will be featured on our social networks and in future WFSD campaigns, therefore, it is mandatory that the piece has the designer's credits.

Your digital artwork must be sent to the following e-mail address by May 26, 2023 to the following email:  [email protected]

The winner will be announced on the second day of the event, Thursday, June 6.

Live Broadcast day 1

Live Broadcast day 2



María de los Ángeles Gatica
Regional Cordinator antimicrobial resistance project

Marisa Caipo

Food Safety and Quality Officer