FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean

Presentation of the study: “Indigenous Peoples and the Private Sector: case studies in Latin America”

Virtual Event, 09/09/2024


Latin America and the Caribbean is inhabited by more than 800 indigenous communities, who are exposed to a wide variety of challenges imposed by modern societies. An important one is the growing presence of private companies in their territories, which despite the existence of a clear framework of corporate responsibility and the establishment of principles, still tensions and conflicts have arised, which in turn have influenced significant economic, social and environmental impacts, hindering the fulfillment of the human rights of its inhabitants.

However, it is reasonable to question the existence of examples of positive relations between private companies and indigenous peoples in Latin American territories. In this framework, FAO and FILAC decided to carry out a research study to identify, systematize and analyze experiences of relations between private companies and indigenous peoples considered positive from the point of view of the latter.

This event will be held to share the results, lessons learned and recommendations of this study, in addition to generating a space for questions and responses that allow the identification of elements and/or contexts that stimulate or allow the development of a virtuous relationship between both actors.

The event will count with live interpretation into Spanish, English and Portuguese.


Present positive experiences of relations between the private sector and indigenous peoples.

Share elements and contexts that allow the development of good business practices related to the impacts on the ways of life of the indigenous peoples of the region.

Live broadcast

Ricardo Rivera

Communications Specialist

FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean