FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean

FAO and Trinidad and Tobago strengthen collaboration ties with new Country Programming Framework for 2023-2026

FAO's Regional Representative and the Minister of Agriculture signed the agreement, which will serve as a strategic tool outlining shared priorities and detailing specific actions that the Organization will implement to deliver meaningful outcomes in the country by managing more efficient, inclusive, and resilient agri-food systems.

©Naylan Dwarika

16/08/2024, Piarco

The Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative for Latin America and the Caribbean of The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Mario Lubetkin, visited Trinidad and Tobago as part of his working tour in the Caribbean to consolidate technical cooperation ties with the subregion.  

With Kazim Hosein, Minister of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries, FAO Regional Representative signed the Country Programme Framework (CPF) for 2023-2026 between FAO and Trinidad and Tobago. They were accompanied by Avinash Singh, Minister in the Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries; Joanna Kazana, UN Resident Coordinator; Nela Dwarika-Ali, Acting Permanent Secretary in Ministry; and Gillian Smith FAO Representative ad interim in Trinidad and Tobago.

The document constitutes a strategic instrument that establishes common priorities and defines the actions that FAO will undertake to achieve significant results in favor of the Trinidad and Tobago population by managing more efficient, inclusive, and resilient agri-food systems.  

Regarding technical assistance, FAO will support Trinidad and Tobago in promoting the adoption of climate-smart agriculture practices, enhancing biodiversity conservation, and supporting sustainable land management through projects focused on anticipatory actions, livelihood recovery, and climate-adapted agricultural practices. In addition, FAO will support the country by providing technical assistance to Trinidad and Tobago Central Statistical Office in analyzing the Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES) data.

For Mario Lubetkin, Trinidad and Tobago is a country of priority attention for the FAO cooperation agenda in the Caribbean and Latin America. “FAO's focus in the country is achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which demands transforming agri-food systems for a better life for all. FAO will support policies and strategies for food system transformation, integrating agriculture, sustainable livestock, forestry, fisheries, animal health, and land-use sustainability, while promoting youth and women inclusion”.  

In his remarks Minister Avinash Singh thanked FAO for the strong collaboration and reiterated his government's commitment to transforming food systems to support more youth involvement.

With Trinidad and Tobago there are 17 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean that recently formalized Country Programming Frameworks with a vision of intersectionality, consensus, and articulation with different actors.  

After the signing ceremony, the Assistant Director-General and FAO Representative ad interim in the country held extensive bilateral discussions led by Minister Singh and high-level technical team of the Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries.

Visit to the Agri Expo

On Friday, Lubetkin visited Trinidad and Tobago Agri Expo 2024 where he meets with the Prime Minister, Keith Rowley; and the Minister of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries, Kazim Hosein, to know more about the agricultural landscape of the region and discuss the signed CPF to enhance FAO cooperation with Trinidad and Tobago.

Also, FAO's Regional Representative held a bilateral meeting with Amery Browne, Minister of Foreign and CARICOM Affairs. Both authorities discussed FAO's support for Caribbean countries to improve their resilience in food systems, agricultural policy, and economic collaboration in general. During the meeting, Lubetkin also presented the terms of the Country Programming Framework that was signed with Trinidad and Tobago, and both reviewed FAO's priorities in the region.    

Finally, FAO Assistant Director-General visit the Cocoa Research Centre and Insect Farm Facility at the University of the West Indies Field Station, where he will get a first-hand view of FAO's support for Trinidad and Tobago's cocoa industry and insect rearing facility.