FAO emergencies and resilience

Rising conflict, weather extremes, and economic instability aggravated by the lingering impacts of COVID-19 and the ripple effects of the war in Ukraine are among the key drivers
Funding to boost efforts in Ethiopia, Afghanistan and Sudan; Sahel and Coastal West Africa also among the list of recipients
$80 million USAID contribution will support FAO projects targeting smallholder resilience, women’s empowerment and environmental sustainability
©FAO/Richard Trenchard
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) welcomed an unprecedented $150 million contribution from the World Bank to provide critical livelihood and life-saving assistance to the most vulnerable rural populations in Afghanistan
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) today issued a stark warning of multiple, looming food crises, driven by conflict, climate shocks, the fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic
©FAO/Alberto Trillo Barca
People require humanitarian assistance, livelihood support, jobs, and long-term investment to help solve the crisis
©FAO/Hashim Azizi
Farmers and herders are vital if the country is to climb out of a hunger trap, says FAO
©FAO/Hashim Azizi
Farmers and herders are vital if the country is to climb out of a hunger trap, says FAO.
©FAO/Farshad Usyan
Richard Trenchard, the Food and Agriculture Organization’s Representative in Kabul, calls for urgent action to prevent a worsening crisis
UN appeals for urgent assistance as country becomes one of the world’s largest food crises