FAO emergencies and resilience


Syria’s Coastal Region witnessed a massive bushfires back in October 2020, burning about 10,000 Hectors land planted with fruitful trees, mainly 25-year-old olives trees, only in Lattakia governorate.


Action Against Desertification is an initiative of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP) to restore drylands and degraded lands in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific to tackle the detrimental social, economic and environmental impact of land degradation and desertification.


The video describes what conflict-sensitive programming is, why it is important, and outlines three key steps for FAO programming to be conflict-sensitive. It uses illustrative examples of FAO interventions (supporting food security, rural&nbs...


The Humanitarian-Development-Peace nexus aims to bring three sectors into closer alignment to better address both the immediate needs of people affected by conflict as well as the underlying causes of protracted crises.


In Chadakori, Niger, the women of the Dimitra clubs piloted free sessions of training on composting techniques