Past Events
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Questionnaire: Food Systems and COVID-19 - Municipal Response to the Emergency
Local and sub-national governments worldwide are taking various actions to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, but these actions go often unnoticed and are not sufficiently supported.In line with the Urban Food Agenda objectives, FAO wants to raise the prof
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Cities for sustainable food systems
In this event, experts and government representatives will discuss opportunities and challenges of developing territorial approaches to food systems...
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CFS High-Level Special Event on Global Governance of Food Security and Nutrition
Virtual Event, 13/10/2020 - 15/10/2020
The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) will organize a High-Level Virtual Special Event on Global Governance of Food Security and Nutrition, 13 - 15 October 2020. The session, in lieu of CFS 47 which has been rescheduled to 8 - 12 February 2021 in lig
12/ 9
Green growth: Strategies and Actions to shift towards Sustainable Agrifood Systems in the Mediterranean Region
If you want to hear about collaborative approaches to address challenges and gaps in transferring knowledge and research to practical applications to improve the sustainability of agrifood systems, register here! The SFS-MEDwebinar will aim to address som
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UN Food Systems Summit Action Track 1- Public Forum
The ambition of the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit is to launch a collective journey of transforming our food systems to give us the best possible chance of delivering on 2030 agenda. Action Track 1 (AT1) is concentrating on the goal of ensuring access to sa
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Launch of The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2023 (SOFI)
The 2023 edition of The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World report will. The theme this year is: “Urbanization, agrifood systems transformation, and healthy diets across the rural-urban continuum”...
3/ 12
Sustainable Food Systems (SFS) in the Mediterranean: accelerating progress on the 2030 Agenda in the context of the COVID-19 recovery
Sustainable Food Systems (SFS) in the Mediterranean: accelerating progress on the 2030 Agenda in the context of the COVID-19 recoveryOrganizers: FAO (ESF), International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM), Union for the Mediterra
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Digital Briefing on Sustainable Food Systems in Times of Global Crises
Digital Briefing for Members of Parliament on Sustainable Food Systems in Times of Global Crises13th July - 14:00 - 15.30 (CET)Members of the European Parliamentary Alliance against Hunger and Malnutrition are gathering on 13 July to discuss sustainable f
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Food Systems in Mediterranean Cities - Opportunities for collaboration
Under the Framework of the Urban Food Agenda and the SFS-MED Platform, this webinar will present the outcomes of a recent FAO study conducted in partnership with the NGO Let's Food to identify urban food system initiatives in the Mediterranean...
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COVID-19 and investments in agriculture: Challenges and opportunities for transforming food systems in Africa
Date: 2 Jul 2020, 10:30 11:45 (CEST Time)Funding and investments opportunities for agrifood SMEs are scarce in Africa, due to the perceived risks of the agricultural sector, coupled with the lack of capacity of financial institutions and private investors