Somalia: Mobile money transfers give Somali farmers a one-up on the climate
Cash+ helps farmers in Somalia through the lean season
Food and nutrition security in times of drought is key to achieving peace in the Horn of Africa
Over the past five decades, the Horn of Africa has seen a continuous stream of both natural and man-made shocks. Combined with poor governance of land and other natural resources, as well as long-term economic and demographic trends, these shocks alongside conflict have challenged even the most resilient dryland livelihood systems.
The invasive prosopis tree: turning a livelihood menace into a source of income in Somaliland
Safeguarding agricultural and pastoralist livelihoods by transforming a longstanding threat into a sustainable resource for women and youth
RCCE for COVID-19 prevention Webinar I - Addressing gendered impacts of COVID-19: Experiences from Pakistan
This webinar is made possible by the support provided by the European Union, under the Partnership Programme contributing to the Global Network Against Food Crises, and the American People through the U.S. Agency for International Development.
As FAO turns 75 its mission to end hunger and nourish the world is as relevant today as ever
Today, World Food Day marks the 75th anniversary of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations.
Sensitizing Pakistan’s female breadwinners to the risks of COVID-19 — via WhatsApp
Until the outbreak of COVID-19 in Pakistan, many families living within Muzaffargarh, an arid district in the eastern province of Punjab, kept cows and goats as dairy livestock.
Afghanistan | Protecting livestock herders and markets in times of COVID-19
FAO has been working to support vulnerable farmers in Afghanistan and prevent the spread of COVID-19 in agricultural markets across the country.
Somalia | 2.1 million people expected to face acute hunger
Despite some improvement in the overall food security and nutrition situation in Somalia, 2.1 million Somalis could face acute hunger in the absence of humanitarian assistance between now and December 2020
FAO and partners call for early warning and early action to avoid disasters
2020 State of Climate Services Report says 11,000 disasters caused by weather, climate and water-related hazards in the past 50 years
FAO welcomes $3 million contribution from Germany and Sweden to help farmers fight the impact of climate change
Assistance will support capacity development and sustainability in vulnerable countries