FAO emergencies and resilience

Without an intervention, more animals, which are a source of food and livelihood, will be lost, resulting in increasing rates of food insecurity.

Initiative seeks to increase self-reliance of vulnerable populations and lay the groundwork for increased agribusiness investment

How is the Desert Locust campaign in East Africa going?
Thanks to European Union support - FAO is regenerating livestock production to strengthen resilience of vulnerable populations in Borno State.
The added support will help to step up control efforts in Africa and Asia and to improve early warning and forecasting systems.
Economic crisis, conflict, floods, desert locusts – and now COVID-19 – could wipe out improvements in food security in parts of Yemen, UN agencies warn.
Targeted households to benefit from livestock feed, crop seeds, and cash transfers
Belgium contributes to an anticipatory action project aimed at enhancing the food security and nutrition of populations affected by COVID-19 in Zimbabwe
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Uganda has shown its support for veterinary health workers involved in the management of deadly livestock diseases by donating an assortment of personal protective equipment (PPE) worth USD 50 000 to the Ugandan Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries.
FAO and WFP collaborate on a unique analysis of countries on the precipice of what could be the worst food crisis in generations