FAO emergencies and resilience


Haiti is one of nine countries in the world facing the risk of famine and one of five countries with more than 10 percent of the population in Emergency (IPC Phase 4).


Combining cash transfers, productive assets and inputs distribution with agricultural and nutrition trainings for vulnerable rural households in Lori and Shirak regions


Since late-2023, Malawi has been affected by the El Niño phenomenon, which is typically associated with drier conditions in the country.


The war in Ukraine continues to compound the vulnerabilities of rural communities, especially those living near the frontline.


This report provides an overview of the impact evaluation findings of the FNS-REPRO project in South Sudan.


Chad now has the seventh highest number of refugees in the world. This is putting pressure on the limited natural resources of host communities, already struggling to cope with years of armed conflict, socioeconomic challenges and recurrent natural hazards.


This Data in Emergencies Monitoring (DIEM-Monitoring) brief shares the results of a sixth-round assessment conducted in December 2023 and February 2024 in Chad.


his Data in Emergencies Monitoring (DIEM-Monitoring) brief shares the results of a eleventh-round assessment conducted in January and February 2024 in Sierra Leone.


The earthquakes that affected the Karnali province in Nepal in November 2023 had a devastating effect on the livelihoods of the people living in the most affected districts.


Emergency assistance for post-earthquake and tsunami recovery through cash assistance in Central Sulawesi


This Data in Emergencies Monitoring (DIEM-Monitoring) brief shares the results of a seventh-round assessment conducted in January and February 2024 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.


The 2023–2024 El Niño is one of the five strongest on record, according to the World Meteorological Organization.


In November 2023, Nepal was struck by its deadliest earthquake since 2015, particularly affecting Jajarkot and Rukum-West districts.


Within the span of a year, Somalia has gone from averting a famine caused by the longest drought in its history to the worst flooding on record.


This Data in Emergencies Monitoring (DIEM-Monitoring) brief shares the results of a twelfth-round assessment conducted in October and November 2023 in Iraq.


In Guatemala, the high cost of the basic food basket hinders households’ ability to access food and leads to increased adoption of negative coping mechanisms, such as selling productive assets or depleting seed reserves to meet basic food needs.


The Identification, Delivery and Empowerment Application (IDEA) is a digital ecosystem of applications developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to ensure the protection and secure management of beneficiary data, and delivery and tracking of assistance.


The Government of Japan contributed USD 226 000 to FAO's project entiteld "Supporting resilient food security and protection-sensitive livelihoods strategies in Far North Cameroon".


In 2023, the levels of acute food insecurity in northeastern Nigeria were comparable to those reported during the peak of the crisis in 2016/17.


Leveraging on more than a decade of delivering humanitarian response, saving lives, and building resilient and sustainable livelihoods in Somalia, FAO continues to prioritize strengthening the productive sectors and resilient food systems.