FAO emergencies and resilience


Sentinel 2 data from November 2022 and September 2023 was used as a baseline for comparison with December 2023 for NDVI-based change assessment.


The damage to agricultural infrastructure was estimated using the available Sentinel 1 SAR images on October 12, 13, 24, 25, December 11, 12, 22 and 23.


The ongoing conflict between Hamas and Israel erupted on October 7, 2023, leading to Israeli strikes on the Gaza Strip.


The damage to greenhouses was estimated using the available Sentinel 1 SAR images on October 12, 13, 24, 25, December 11, 12, 22 and 23.


On 6 February 2023, two devastating earthquakes followed by tremors and aftershocks ripped through the southeastern region of Türkiye.


The ongoing conflict between Hamas and Israel erupted on October 7, 2023, leading to Israeli strikes on the Gaza Strip.


The damage to agricultural wells was estimated using the available Sentinel 1 SAR images on October 12, 13, 24, 25, November 5, 6, 17, 18, 29 and 30.


The damage to agricultural infrastructure was estimated using the available Sentinel 1 SAR images on October 12, 13, 24, 25, November 5, 6, 17, 18, 29 and 30.


The damage to greenhouses was estimated using the available Sentinel 1 SAR images on October 12, 13, 24, 25, November 5, 6, 17, 18, 29 and 30.


Global crises are becoming the new normal. From climate change to the contemporary food price crisis, vulnerable populations – and especially rural people – are facing increasingly difficult odds of flourishing.


Sentinel 2 data from November 2022 and September 2023 was used as a baseline for comparison with November 2023 for NDVI-based change assessment. Significant change in cropland greenness was identified as cropland damage.


This Data in Emergencies Monitoring (DIEM-Monitoring) brief shares the results of a fifth-round assessment conducted in October 2023 in Nigeria.


On 6 February 2023, two powerful earthquakes struck the southeastern region of Türkiye.


This Data in Emergencies Monitoring (DIEM-Monitoring) brief shares the results of a fifth-round assessment conducted in September and October 2023 in Chad.


The Government of the United States of America contributed USD 19 million to strengthen Food Security and Livelihoods sector coordination platforms, increase immediate food access and restore the productive capacities of 598 200 vulnerable farming and pastoral households in the Sudan.


This Data in Emergencies Monitoring (DIEM-Monitoring) brief shares the results of an eighth-round assessment conducted in October and November 2023 in the Niger.


This Data in Emergencies Monitoring (DIEM-Monitoring) brief shares the results of a seventh-round assessment conducted in September and October 2023 in Afghanistan.


High levels of food insecurity and acute malnutrition persist in Chad despite investments by government, humanitarian and development actors.


This Data in Emergencies Monitoring (DIEM-Monitoring) brief shares the results of a thirteenth-round assessment conducted in October 2023 in Yemen.


This Data in Emergencies Monitoring (DIEM-Monitoring) brief shares the results of a second-round assessment conducted in September and October 2023 in Burkina Faso.