FAO emergencies and resilience


Thanks to funding from the Government of the Netherlands, FAO is carrying out a four-year Food and Nutrition Security Resilience Programme to strengthen food security, nutrition, livelihoods and resilience in conflict affected regions in the Horn of Africa.


Small-scale producers contribute the least to climate change, but are the most at risk of welfare losses due to increasing global temperatures and extreme weather events.


Aïcha was forced to flee her home in search of safety. Thanks to FAO’s cash transfer assistance, she has acquired two oxen, a ram and an ewe, and is able to provide for her family.


The COVID-19 pandemic had a particularly negative impact on Burkina Faso’s livestock industry, threatening the livelihoods of many livestock breeders.


Anticipatory actions can save lives, safeguard livelihoods and strengthen the resilience of vulnerable communities.