FAO emergencies and resilience


The farmers in Syria desire to turn the abandoned bare lands to productive farms, besides their passion for farming, it secures their families with food, and maintain their livelihoods.


The video displays a story of FAO partnering with UN entities in South Sudan on Better Life.


With the increasing attention to change the way how disasters are managed, with support from the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO), FAO Viet Nam in close collaboration with National Disaster Management Authority conducted the Anticipatory Action (AA) Simulation Exercise in Quang Tri Province of Viet Nam.


This animated video explains the significance of seed systems in emergency context and why it is crucial to strengthen and rebuild seed systems after disaster. The video gives examples from a project in response to cyclones Idai and Kenneth in southern African countries in 2019.


Kenya is facing its third La Niña induced drought in a decade. An estimated 3.1 million people are facing acute food insecurity and in need of humanitarian assistance.