Canadá apoyará con US $6.5 millones a pequeños productores de Bolivia Honduras Nicaragua y Perú impactados por la pandemia
Fondos irán al Programa de la FAO para Respuesta y Recuperación al COVID-19, que impulsará la resiliencia de pequeños productores, especialmente mujeres, jóvenes y pueblos indígenas, beneficiando a 48 mil personas en los 4 países.
Anticipatory actions to safeguard the food security and livelihoods of vulnerable farmers and herders in the Dry Corridor of El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala
One of the world’s most vulnerable regions to climate-related threats, Central America’s Dry Corridor has been directly impacted by climate change over the last 20 years.
FAO is strengthening One Health preparedness and response capacities in Africa
National One Health platforms discuss lessons learned and best practices on the operationalization of the Joint Risk Assessment tool.
FAO and Japan establish school gardens in the Syrian Arab Republic to enhance children’s nutrition and improve their learning environment
In the Syrian Arab Republic, students in rural areas learn about various aspects of agriculture and nutrition as part of the national curriculum.
La FAO, soutenue par le Canada et la Suède, accompagne le Gouvernement du Burkina Faso dans la mise en valeur de sites de production rizicole pour la campagne agricole 2021/22
Grâce à l’appui financier du Canada et de la Suède, la FAO soutient le Gouvernement du Burkina Faso, dans le cadre de l’Initiative du Président qui vise à «Produire 1 million de tonnes de riz paddy d’ici à 2021» à travers la mise en valeur de sites de production rizicole au titre de la campagne agricole de la saison humide 2021/22.
Myanmar | FAO and the European Union promote small-scale inland aquaculture schemes to save livelihoods and enhance food security in Rakhine State
In Rakhine State, on the west coast of Myanmar, more than 80 percent of the population live in rural villages and depend on agriculture, fishery and aquaculture as primary sources of livelihoods.
République centrafricaine | De l’espoir pour les populations vulnérables de la ville de Bangui
Soutenir la relance des activités agricoles afin d’améliorer les conditions de vie des familles.
The Government of Madagascar and FAO are collaborating closely in the implementation of the 2021/22 locust control campaign
Madagascar is affected by various factors that strongly impact the population’s food security and livelihoods, as well as the agriculture sector.
FAO strengthens readiness to manage a Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza health emergency in Sierra Leone
FAO supports a table-top simulation exercise to consider the impact of a potential avian influenza animal health emergency on existing plans, procedures and capacities.
South Sudan: Improving catches and reducing post-harvest losses for fishing communities in Bor South through knowledge
“I’ve spent most of my life on the canoe fishing, but fish always spoiled and food was never enough”, recalls Deng Abdulai.