FAO emergencies and resilience


Movement restrictions triggered by the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemic have severely affected the livestock sector in West and Central Africa (WCA). Reduced access to feed, diminished slaughterhouse capacity and limited access to grazing land are only a few examples of the consequences of the p...

Newest report from FSNAU-FEWS NET indicates large-scale food insecurity and malnutrition due to multiple threats
Securing vulnerable farmers’ livelihoods by providing quality wheat seed
FAO helps vulnerable livestock keepers safeguard their livelihood, boost milk production and avoid rural migration in Afghanistan.
The Government of Japan contributed USD 2 090 909 to FAO to conduct emergency interventions in Yemen as part of its ongoing response in the country.
FAO strengthens desert locust surveillance and control capacity in Yemen
Les conflits armés, l’insécurité généralisée et les catastrophes naturelles récurrentes associés aux effets de la maladie à coronavirus 2019 (covid-19), font de la République démocratique du Congo la pire crise alimentaire au monde.
The crisis in Syria forced many rural women to become the only breadwinners for their families, which was a new experience for many of them.

Women increase their income and improve their family’s food security and nutrition through kitchen gardening thanks to the support provided by FAO in Badakhshan province, Afghanistan

Joint Communique' on the critical desert locust situation and emergency response in Somalia