FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia

12th International LANDNET Workshop - ‘Territorial development – challenges and opportunities’

Hybrid Event, 05/11/2019 - 08/11/2019

This workshop is organized as a part of the larger “International conference on rural development and tourism”. The conference is organised by AGADER and will be implemented during four days. During the first day, all participants will follow the general conference track, where inter alia the four main conference modules will be introduced. The LANDNET workshop track begins from the second day of the conference and will last for two days. The title of this year’s workshop is “Territorial development – challenges and opportunities” (Module 1 of the conference) with the main theme being root causes of land abandonment and the available land management instruments to address the problem.

The workshop is complemented by an optional field trip, organized on the fourth and last day of the conference, offering to visit some of AGADER’s land mobilization projects.

The objectives of the LANDNET workshop are to:

  • Discuss root causes of land abandonment and policy measures and instruments to combat it
  • Discuss linkages between land policies and broader rural development
  • Present the forthcoming FAO Legal Guide on Land Consolidation and discuss its application.


Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Session 3 – Introduction and presentation of the main and crosscutting themes and their Interaction

Introduction on Module 1: Territorial development – challenges and opportunities (LANDNET workshop)
Vilma Daugaliene, LANDNET Chair

Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Session 4 – Introduction to the causes of land abandonment and instruments to address it

Opening and overview of the programme
Morten Hartvigsen, FAO REU

Short introduction of FIG Commission 8
Marije Louwsma, Chair

Keynote presentation - Overview of the recent analysis about the root causes for land abandonment
Margarida Ambar, Portugal 

Keynote presentation: Transversal instruments to address the land abandonment (in Spanish)
Luís Domínguez Castro, Jean Monnet Chair Ad Personam of European Integration History and Territorial Cooperation at University of Vigo
Audio (in Spanish)

Keynote presentationa: The law for the recovery and enhancement of agroforestry areas: innovative actions for promoting land use
Miguel Ángel Perez Dubois
, AGADER (Agency for Rural Development), Galicia

Introduction to the causes of land abandonment and instruments to address it
Alfredo Fernández Ríos, Director of the Technical Department of Studies Institute for Territorial Studies Ministry of Environment, Territory and Housing Xunta de Galicia

Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Session 5 Land abandonment and country examples of addressing it

Five country presentations  on country examples to combat land abandonment

Maxim Gorgan, FAO REU

Metin Turker, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

Loïc Jegouzo, SAFER, and Michel Baylac, AEIAR

Nenad Gvozdenović, GIZ Serbia

North Macedonia
Perica Ivanoski, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy

Questions and discussion (Audio only)


Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Session 6 Linkages between land policies and broader rural development

Keynote presentation: FAO approach onnintegrating land consolidation with local rural development

Morten Hartvigsen, FAO REU

Keynote presentation: How to develop rural areas in a SMART way?
Marije Louwsma, FIG Commission 8

Smart Rural Development - the approach of the Public-Private Land Bank, exchange of lessons with SLF
Radoslav Manolov, Advance Terrafund REIT, and Kiril Stoyanov, Union of Geodesists and Land Managers, Bulgaria